Well, now if you checked out the bloggy yesterday—
and to all who did, thank you, thank you for your birthday wishes, what a wonderful day!
ANYway, if you came by you likely saw my Professor Sprout costume that April so covertly posted for the day. yikes.
So this is just as good a time as any to let you know that we are getting all hyped and ready for the November 19th Harry Potter 7 premiere.
Yes, yes, we bought out the theater.
Yes, yes, there will be incredible prizes and goodie bags.
And yes, yes unless you’re trapped in Azkaban, you don’t want to miss this.
So, if you’d like us to reserve you a seat in our theater, here in Orem, Utah on November 18-19 (midnight showing) you’ll want to let us know–asap. Tickets are $15 and will be well worth it–ask around. Our Eclipse event sold out fast and there are only 97 seats. So–c’mon–quick, let us know if you’ll be joining us. We’d love to have you!
before it’s too late.
Wish I could do this!!! Would be so fun!!!
but you can’t??
I will be there, alone! Big belly and all!
I’m so there! Nate too! 🙂 I’ll let you know who else is coming with us! 😀
We’ll take you any way we can get you! :}
Wish you guys were in Las Vegas! They sound like so much fun!
I’ll take two please. 😀
Yep, round up all your pals for this one…
Las Vegas isn’t sooo far away! ;}
OOOOOooooohhh…you must have a GIRLfriend or something. Dun-dun-dunnn.
😀 {cackle-cackle} 😀
I would like 2, for my “Hunny” and I! Ooooooooo, I’m so excited! And all my kids and THEIR “hunnys” will be their too, no doubt! What a fun pre-Thanksgiving activity! You do throw the BEST parties! Let me know if I can help!
You’re really freaking me out now. Ok, I’m over it. Bring the guy then and tell him to brace himself. He’s about to enter the “yellow” phase of his life and he’ll never be the same! Bwah-ha ha!
Tell the kids to get in here quick.
I like, really really REALLY want to do this, but I don’t know what my life will be like at that point. I’ll have had a baby around two weeks prior. Are tickets refundable if I can’t show up? *sigh*
Well…for you–we’ll do ANYthing. Besides, I’m pretty sure we’d have an easy time finding someone to take them. Let me know how many you want–and sweet baby can come for FREEEEEEE! ha ha
Hey, I’m a friend of Dane’s and for now I’d like to at least get 4 tickets. I think this is the coolest thing I’ll ever do, ha ha!
I want to come SOOOO bad…. but I just don’t think it will happen. 🙁 big tear. We are going to Disney land the last week of Oct. and I can’t take the time off work… plus, besides taking time off work, that would be a very expensive movie after adding the plane tickets, and we are trying to save up for stuff like a home, a car, and a baby. 🙁 Jonathan will have to take me though. Don’t post too many pics… it’ll just make me sadder… especially the prizes and treat bags.
Hi Launi,
I’m the colleague of Jacob, who already enjoyed watching the last Twilight movie with you guys… I would need 7 tickets for the Harry Potter movie, and I will give the check for it to Jacob, if that is ok with you.
Ok, so if there are some left, I would like to reserve 2. How would I go about payment? Should I get in touch with Lyndi and send her some cash or a check? Thanks!
Ok, we have you down…let me know if something changes.
Ok, I’ve got you down for 2 and sending it to Lyndi or me–we’re at the same house–would be fine.
Ok, I have you down for 7 and Jacob gave me the check. Thanks!
Hey, Launi! Are there still tickets available? We would like 6 if there are. Let me know and i will bring the payment over asap.
Thanks- can’t wait to see you- Michele B
What a fun night – thanks so much for your hard work. We had a fantastic time.