I’m going to start this by saying that my daddy was a pastry chef.

He passed away about 17 years ago and we’re still at this very moment, trying to figure out what to do with some of his things.

That’s always the case, right?
You want to keep a thing but there’s really no room for it.
Or you don’t want to get rid of a thing but have no idea what to do with it.

Well, that is exactly the dilemma I was faced with. So many of daddy’s cake things that were a billion years old and not really usable but still had so much of him in them. You know?

That’s when a lovely idea struck me.
My dad loved decorating cakes.
Not me.
I’d rather poke myself in the eye.
But give me a crochet hook any day and then we’ll talk.

What if there was a way to smush the best of both worlds into something clever and unique for my entire family?

Could I possibly doooo that?
Turns out, I can.

Everyone chose their favorite color and POOF!

A little bit of Grampa and a little bit…
of me.

See those pretty wind spinners? Me.
See those ancient piping tubes turned into sweet little bells?! Grampa.

April–our color expert–didn’t tell me what colors to use. She sent me a few swatches so it would be perfectly perfect.

Lyndi chose green and blue. Kind of Earth Day-ish colors.

Jillian has always loved pink and yellow. They were even her wedding colors.

Of course Dane, our very patriotic patriot chose red, white and blue.

And Rhen–the die hard Vikings fan picked purple and yellow. The green and black are a nod to Bob Marley, no doubt. Haha.

Merry Christmas my sweethearts.
With love from Mom…
and Grampa.