Snow Day

Well, I had big plans to show you some fabulous cookies, or candy or a sewing project that’s in the works, but then this happened. Now you know perfectly well, that I love snow, but the problem with this particular storm was that it darkened the whole sky so that at around 3:00–it looked like the sun was on it’s way down. Under those apocalyptic conditions, the cookie pictures turned out dark and dreadful. The candy pictures are yellow and dull. And the sewing pictures…ok, I didn’t actually take any–because of the cookie and candy photo bust.

So, I decided to take you on a little tour of the new books that magically keep arriving at my door, from Amazon. I think that maybe I walk in my sleep and that I’ve been secretly pushing the “Buy Now” button…over…and over…and over. At least my sleepy self has good taste. This is “Warm Fuzzies” by Betz White, and it’s filled with lovely things you can do with thrift store finds. Oh, my kinda book.

Oooh-hoo–doesn’t this one look fun? Fellow blogger “Bakerella” has finally done it. Her book is stuffed full of the cute little Cake Pops that we made before only with tons of ideas to make them even cuter! Stay tuned!

Here’s another by Betz White–Sewing Green–again, making use of repurposed fabric and clothes.

I know, I know…Christmas is over. But there are some little Russian dollies in “FaLaLaLa Felt” that I’ll be soothing myself with very soon–once the Bald Kid leaves for Siberia. yikes.

Saved the sweetest for last. Now tell me honestly, wouldn’t this “Candy Babies” baby face be worth whatever is in this book? It was for me…so I bought it. Luckily, it’s a crochet book…and I can do that. I’m just saying…

Go on ahead, you old dark, and dreadful snow storm. As you can see, I have plenty of amazing things to do and I’m quite cozy in my little house where it’s warm.

So I say, “bring it.”



Happy Birthday Anita!


Utah County friends–please check out this fabulous, one-time coupon at PartyLand! If you have any parties coming up IN YOUR LIFE–you should probably use this thing right now! :}  Wahoo!


Oh, and PS–We are $7 away from breaking $1000 on Dane’s Charity Water Campaign. This is soooo exciting! Thanks for all your sweet help.

5 Replies to “Snow Day”

  1. I would love the snow if I didn’t have to leave my house. Thankfully it is only once but still yuck! I am ready for spring!

  2. Oh, those books look like they are full of fun projects!! Love the idea of using things I already have to make something beautiful!

  3. And believe me there are really beautiful things in there. I wish I could show you the insides of the book. But I have a hard time holding the book open and snapping the camera at the same time. Sure do envy those bloggers who have someone following them around taking pictures of the day. No such luck here. :}

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