Before quilt market, April and I hit on a fantastic idea.

Since she would have a booth at the Moda area, why not use that cute baby as a living mannequin–so to speak. We could dress her up in pretty little ruffly things made with the prettiest fabric on the planet. SUCH a good idea!

I scoured the internet and found just the right patterns–four to be exact–for the entire event. That baby would have a new outfit from her mama’s fabric for all three days at the conference and one special dress to wear to the fancy-schmancy black and white formal dinner.

The teensy tiny catch was that I only had 6 days to make the 4 outfits.

The race was on!

1~ The first thing was the easiest. I made the little pants to go with a sweet little red shirt. Sadly, because I made the top last, I don’t have a picture of it.

2~ Next, was this little summer dress. It was autumn weather her in Utah, but it was warmer in Texas, so this outfit would still work.

I was nervous that this one would be too wide for this tiny baby girl so I sewed a tie on the front…

that cinched it up just enough, with a little bow in the back.


3~ This sweet flowery top…

with the double tiered, ruffly bloomers. So dang cute!!

4~ And last of all, the “formal” dress for the Black and White dinner.
I finished the last stitch on the last top–the red one–about an hour before taking April and Jacob and the baby to the airport. Yeah, that’s pushing it, I know.
But it worked…
in the nick of time!
