Tarmac In the Spring

Our cute little Tarmac the House Squirrel is all decked out with a bouquet of Spring flowers.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was going on a date.

Too bad he’s…so…HOUSEBOUND!

HAaaa! Get it?! HAA!


It’s About the Lamb

I found the sweetest little Lamb pattern that seemed to fit perfectly with my goal of recognizing the Savior’s gift to us on Easter. I wanted to make them for my kids but I just couldn’t get five of them finished in time.

So instead, I ran them around to my neighbors with a sweet little booklet called “It’s Not About the Bunny, It’s About the Lamb.”

I think I’ll be making a few more of these.

At least 5 anyway.

Happy Easter!



Original Pattern from Kertupertu Shop


Bitsy Boots

In case you–like me–don’t get out much or wander around in the kiddie show section of your tv…let me introduce you to Miss Bitsy Boots of the Super Kitties fame.

Well, my sweet granddaughter “Miss C” asked me to make her a Bitsy Boots of her own. You know what I say…”ANYthing for you, my dah-ling!”

The pattern called for the fluffy chenille yarn and a big hook. The funny thing was that when I started crocheting–this thing quickly became ENORMOUS!!

I mean, look at those feet! They’re as big as my hands for Pete’s sake.

Each ear was bigger than my palm. It was seriously starting to scare me.

Then came the head. I think it’s adorable, but I happen to know that is bigger than Miss C’s head. I’m creating a monster!

A cute monster–but a monster none the less.

Luckily, Miss C didn’t seem to mind one bit.

Bitsy Boots, meet ahhhhh…meet…ahhhh…

Bitsy Boots two. Heh, heh.

Happy Birthday honey. Grammy loves you!



Pattern from CuteHappyToys on Etsy