Turkey Nugget

Soooo–many times when I’m making a little crochet character, I’m nearly overwhelmed with supreme selfishness…

to the point that I want to finish the pretty thing and throw it in my purse…

and leave the country….

to keep it for myself, instead of giving it to the person it is meant for.

So far, I’ve always pulled myself together, mustered up a little maturity and sent–whatever it is–on it’s merry way.

That is…until now.

This little turkey nugget was just so CUTE that I was over come.

I couldn’t help myself.

After much deliberation, I’m afraid I kidnapped him and hid him away in a secure location and…you know…

made another one.

No one will ever know of my treachery and dreadful deception.

Except that I just told you.

Dang it.



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