Don’t be afraid. I’m not going to tell you a gruesome campfire story or anything. It’s like this…
Every year, my sister has a Halloween party on the Monday before trick or treats. Every year, before we leave the party she pulls out a huge basket with fun prizes and lets us choose from the basket. So you sort of want to pack up before all the good stuff is gone. I think that must be how she gets us all to go home. Ha.
ANYWAY… For my prize, I chose an adorable shelf-sitting witch with a green face and purple and pink hair. Lyndi chose some really cute, transparent skeleton stickers. Nate chose a jointed snake–not incredibly into snakes, but it was ok. So here comes Rhen. Yeah, he chooses a rubber, severed hand that you soak in water and it grows. I guess somebody didn’t think it was disgusting enough–and it needed to be BIGGER.
So this nasty piece of work is sitting on my kitchen counter…all day…all night…Feel free to gag.
I must admit that there are some parts of Halloween that I could do without…mostly severed body parts.