Yesterday, I was feeling all crafty in a huge, low key sort of way. I mean, I reeeally wanted to make something but wasn’t feeling up to anything intense or…you know…hard.
I knew that hearts would be a necessary part of the project and since I really like buttons, I figured the two could hold their own in a big way as well.
Then the doorbell rang and a kind, sweet friend brought over Valentine treats for us. Ummm…sugar cookies–
and pink popcorn balls. Oh. My. Word.
So with the complete creative inspiration that can only come from the perfect sugar cookie, I dug through the button stash and pulled out all the red and pink ones…and an occasional lavender…just because.
Then, on a whim, outlined a heart on an 8 x 10 piece of cardstock–with white glue. I thought about using a hot glue gun…for about 10 seconds. Then I remembered that we still aren’t speaking. Don’t ask.
One thing, or button, led to another and before I knew it, those pretty buttons were evolving…
into this lovely little button heart. I hurried to find a frame and since this one fit perfectly–I snagged it and poked my pretty little button mosaic into it.
Twenty minutes well spent. Cookies, pink popcorn and a bucket full of buttons.
Life is good.
Happy Valentine’s Day!!