A Few Things…

that melt my heart~

A little lady-bug in a brand new, fluffy dress, finding a magical, Easter picture book in her basket…the same one I had when I was a girl.

The book that just might change my world a little bit…or a whole lot.

The little Jiff-kitty that would love to help me with the chicken project. Heh, heh.

Seeing that my sweet-faraway boy knows how to dye Easter eggs, without a mom directing traffic…

even in Siberia.

A simply-divine Easter treat–with the right brand, that is–which only April and I fully appreciate. YUM!

These gentle, tender souls who do their “jobs” and behave all day long…just for the promise of holding a little, mushy, sweet baby cousin.

Finding the tea cups from my long-since, packed-away dishes, just in time for some warm Peppermint tea with…

real, live, honest-to-goodness honey from my daughter’s dear friends, who raise their own bees. Heavenly!

Having a pile of lightly salted peanuts right near the computer, as a more rational, welcome replacement for the Mini Eggs–and the sugar buzz–that have been kicking around here for the past few weeks.

Those squishy little baby toes that belong to that soft, fluffy baby. Kissable.  :}

What about you? What melts your heart today?

5 Replies to “A Few Things…”

  1. Oooh–me too! It was positively a time warp to hear my daughter reading it to her daughter. If I closed my eyes–I swear I could hear my mama’s voice.
    Sooo cool.


  2. My 3 month old discovering she has a sweet belly chuckle and 3 big sisters that are so helpful to have around. Plus they love their little sis so much!

  3. I love watching siblings becoming best friends!

    I love the promise of warm days that are right around the corner.

    It melts my heart knowing that I have an amazing family and good friends who are close by when I need them. 🙂

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