Wise Woman of the Mountain

When you’re a little lady, with an even littler purse—somedays, it’s quite a dilemma to figure out just what to put in the darn thing. It’s a very important decision, after all.

I mean, seriously, what essentials of life does a smarty pants pack when the journey could be long and space is so supremely limited–I ask you?


Sugar. Snap. Peas.

Who knew?


Live long and prosper.

5 Replies to “Wise Woman of the Mountain”

  1. That cracks me up! My girls would hide those in their purses too. But only so they wouldn’t have to eat them. 😉

  2. She knows some secrets to life that we don’t, that’s for sure! 😉 I can’t wait to hear why the cell phone needs to be in the freezer. 😀 Love her!

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