When you’re a little lady, with an even littler purse—somedays, it’s quite a dilemma to figure out just what to put in the darn thing. It’s a very important decision, after all.
I mean, seriously, what essentials of life does a smarty pants pack when the journey could be long and space is so supremely limited–I ask you?
Sugar. Snap. Peas.
Who knew?
Live long and prosper.
That cracks me up! My girls would hide those in their purses too. But only so they wouldn’t have to eat them. 😉
That girl should write a book called, “My Purse of Pea Pods.” It’d be a top seller for sure.
She knows some secrets to life that we don’t, that’s for sure! 😉 I can’t wait to hear why the cell phone needs to be in the freezer. 😀 Love her!
No way…she LOVES them. I’m thinking she was working on her 72 hour kit. Ha!
Someday she’ll cough up where the DS really is. :}