Ahhh…at last. My own personal favorite giveaway of…all…time.
Need a hint? Yeaaah. I didn’t think so.
the New Moon Opening Night Giveaway!
The winner of this giveaway and a friend, will be our guests at the November 20, 2009 opening night party and showing of New Moon to be held at the Cinemark Theaters at University Mall in Orem, Utah! It will be an absolute blast with prizes, treats and giveaways. You know you’ll need to be there.
So–how to enter?
1) Leave a comment on this post answering the question:
Are you:
A. Team Edward?
B. Team Jacob?
That’s all we wanna know baby–cause that’s all that really matters. Now vote and cross your fingers—and you may just win this thing!

Whoops…I came..I voted..and I forgot to comment! Well, since I am the ONLY WOMAN on the planet not to have read the books or seen the movie…I am guessing I need to be on the team of the good-bad-guy..”bad” meaning vampire..so Edward is the leader of my team..or I am on Edward’s team..is the other guy a god-bad guy? ‘Cos I kinda think he’s cute…
OOPS again…I meant to say “GOOD-bad guy” {sorry Lord..}
A.Team Edward all the way!!!!!!!
I think that I would have to go with Edward… he is my first true love!!! But ask me after the movie and I may have to change sides… Jacob is good looking! 🙂
Team Jacob…. Cayce would say that!!
Totally team Edward!!! I like Jacob, but he’s kinda overbearing. And Edwards is just so…..YUM! I can’t believe they’re getting married in real life! So cute – hope it lasts!!
Excuse me…I drooled a little. It has to be said…Jacob has grown up and boy did milk do his body good. Anyway…I am a team Edward because the way she feels around him and they way they are connected CAN NOT be substituted by a HOT (and I mean that literally too) young man.
YAHOO!!! Please enter me! I would LOVE to win this 🙂
Team Edward 🙂
Here is my e-mail address:
Well if it was me picking I would say TEAM EDWARD!!!! Especially after reading the books too! Something about his love for her really makes me happy! But, man did they make jacob so adorable in this one! I love the part in the trailer when he says,”Bella, he left you, he didn’t want you, I would never do that to you.” I may have sighed extra long after that! p.s. I work with your daughter jillian and she showed me your site and i love it! I made the homemade fetticini sauce too! Fabulous!
Team Edward for sure. But probably because I know the outcome. I sort of feel bad for Jacob 🙁
Team Edward all the way!
That’s all we wanna know baby–cause that’s all that really matters. Now vote and cross your fingers—and you may just win this thing!
I am FOr team Jcob all the way
Edward is more mature and self-sacrificing! The true romantic!
Team Edward!!
Sure, I love be a passionate vamp, but Edward can bite me. I’m going into this one like I never read the last two books (yes, living dangerously in the moment)and I say…go Team Jacob! I say Edward could even be Team Jacob at this point. Without Jacob his girl would be as cold as a coffin nail. No amount of being a romantic makes it okay for a “man” with a genuine soulmate to abandon her because of his own lousy fears, and Edward gets no love from me here. Bah! Jacob saves not only Bella’s life (oh, that’s right, several times) but her sanity as well. That’s right baby!! TEAM JACOB IS WHERE IT’S AT!! Giving credit where it’s due, this is where I bow down and praise the hairy, hardbody beast. Yow!! Go TEAM JACOB!!
Team Edward all the way!! I know April got me a ticket already, but I’d like to spread the love!!! You rock!!!
Hooray for team Edward 😉
Oh man you make me laugh!!! Your drooling is just too funny!!! 🙂 Ha ha ha!!!
Oh freak… that’s hard…
When it comes to the whole series it’s SOOO Team Edward!!! But I agree with Emily that in this book… it’s VERY Team Jacob. Good thing I can’t really win… sooo I say TEAM TWILIGHT!!!
I think I have to say Team Jacob. The way Edward leaves Bella is too cruel. I also like the actor for Jacob more than Robert Pattinson.
EDWARD All the WAY!!!!!
But I do like Jacob too!
Team JACOB!!! I can’t wait for New Moon!
I’m not commenting to be entered in this particular giveaway, but I just wanted to say…
OH MY GOSH! I LOVE the new Fall layout! Beautiful! It makes me happy!
Isn’t it beautiful?! I’m a lucky chicky to know those people over at Sassy Fruit Studio as well as I do. She just magically makes it all gorgeous and then calls and says, “Go check your blog.” Just like that. I lovvve this one so much!
TEAM JACOB DEFINITELY. I have a thing for wolverines.
OH MY GOSH!!! You guys are amazing!!! Well as for team Jacob of Edward… Well I love Jacob, and in New Moon I totally am rooting for him the whole way… but knowing what happens in the rest of the books… I have to say Edward. He really does love her and he is such a romantic. But I really struggled to decide what I wanted when reading New Moon!! I would just LOVE to go… especially cuz my husband will probably tell me I have to wait until it comes out in the dollar theater.
That is so hard for me right now. I just finished re-reading New Moon to get prepared for the movie and I’m on the fence. I’ve always been so Team-Edward, but after reading New Moon again, I’m sorting of rooting for Jacob. But because I know how the whole story line plays out, I will have to say TEAM-EDWARD BABY!
It’s good to know I’m not the only one who hasn’t read the books! (Although I did finally watch the first movie just the other day and enjoyed it enough to consider reading the books.) From the first movie I would have to say TEAM EDWARD, but Jacob is looking much better in this movie!
Team Jacob!
I haven’t read the books, but Jacob is cuter than Edward and Jacob’s especially cuter than he was in the first movie, so I’m going with Team Jacob.
Sad to say, I haven’t seen twilight or read any of the books. I hear they are wonderful and quite addicting. Guess I couldn’t travel to Utah anyways, as much fun as this sounds! 🙂
Team Jacob all the way!
OH MY GOSH!!!! I WOULD SOOO GO WITH TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE EDWARD!!! I cannot wait till New Moon comes out!!!!! i hope that i will be able to get these… 🙂 just thinking about it, makes me REALLY happy and EXCITED!!! 😛
Team Jacob ALL the way! They messed up the first movie by making Jacob better looking than Edward. Now, in New Moon, they made Jacob better all the way! He is SO much better than Edward in more than just looks. I can not wait for the movie to come out, I am so excited to see Jacob in this movie, and hopefully they made it better that the last!
Edward DOMINATES Jacob all the way, Jacob is just a whiny little boy who cant get what he wants.