Autumn Hide and Seek

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Autumn, at our place…is really taking it’s time.

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Creeping in with the stealth of a cat…

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Some hills are braver, showing their colors without hesitation.

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But most are still hiding from us…

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taking their sweet time…

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as if it were a game or something.

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In fact, in some corners, you must look very closely…

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or you’ll miss it altogether.

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Such lovely bursts of fall color–stepping forward…

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to surprise us with their sweetness.

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Come please, Autumn…

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show yourself.

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We are waiting.

6 Replies to “Autumn Hide and Seek”

  1. Well, wait..what? Fall? How about a good dose of…SNOW? Yes, I’d like to see a little fall here first – your photos are lovely…and totally CUTE – those grands..aren’t they just..GRAND?!

  2. Oh, I know! Wouldn’t that just be something to have everything freeze before it has a chance to change colors? Then the leaves will all turn black and stay on the trees. Yikes–I hope not. Usually, by now our yard trees are yellow and red–but oddly enough, they are still green. What’s going on?

  3. Love the new look! Orange is after all the BEST! The mountains look so lovely this morning with the sun kissing their peaks of snow.

  4. I always love the comparisons you make with everything! 🙂 The pirate post… and now this one… AWESOME!

    I hope we get more Autumn… I not ready for snow yet. I love it, but I’m a fan of giving everything a minute or two! If we don’t get Fall… it’s like not going to the booths at SummerFest… just feels wrong!

  5. Living in AZ I surely miss the changing of the seasons and Fall most of all. Thanks for the pics to remind me of the beauty.

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