Twilight Friends

As you may already know there’s a big Eclipse bash brewing over here…

We are admittedly the party wack-jobs of the universe and this time, while we have the entire theater–it has not curbed our behavior in the least. In fact–we’re getting worse by the second. We’ve even contacted some of our favorite Etsy shops who are graciously offering prizes for the pre-movie bash–to be held at Pirate Island Pizza just before the show!

Let me show you a couple of the amazing things that we’ve received so far…

1~ We’ve received key rings and bag clips and magnets…from a pretty little shop called Vikster’s Crafts

2~ Bella’s Fingerless Gloves from Stitch N Snitch. Simply beautiful!

3~ Some adorable plaques from “Smitten & Bitten”

4~ A gorgeous bracelet from “Empty Heart Creations

5~ These fabulous gemstone earrings from Twilighter VA

6~ These adorable “Forks” earrings…get it? Forks? ha! They are from Twilight Tammy‘s pretty little shop.

Please, please–take a minute and click the links to these kind and generous Etsy shops. You’ll be amazed at what you can find.

And me? Well…

I’m gonna go check the mail!


Click HERE to enter our Cookbook Bonanza Giveaway!

18 Replies to “Twilight Friends”

  1. That is awesome! I can’t wait until that night! It is going to be so much fun!

  2. I think I am more excited to see all the awesome prizes than the actual movie. You got some great stuff there!

  3. I know!! I’m excited too!! Can I borrow the first movies if you have them? I NEED to see them so I can get ready. I loved Twilight, but was so tired watching it I fell asleep. 🙁 So I need to watch them again.:)

  4. Am I right that you wanted ONE ticket? Tell every to get their money to me soon honey, so that you all don’t have to sit in the front row! :]
    The theater is filling up fast!

  5. You have got to watch them when you aren’t so tired. Eat a bowl of ice cream or something. I have you down for 2 tickets–get me your money soon so you don’t have to sit on the moon. :]

  6. I am SOOO excited!!! ***:D*** I can’t WAIT for the movie, the prizes, the gift bags, the party… THE WHOLE DAY!!! ***:D*** YAY!!! GO TEAM TWILIGHT!!! Thanks for all the hard work you’re doing to get everything ready! I’m SOOO excited!!!

    PS… Just you wait ’til you see the frames I’m making! 😉

  7. Oh how I wish I lived there to go with you all! It sounds like way too much fun and I have a 13 year old daughter who totally believes that anything related to twilight deserves a party!!

  8. Oh DUDE!! Rob was sup[posed to drop by the money already. I am going to have a talk with him..HAHA! Sorry, he was supposed to do that long ago! I’ll call him. 🙂

  9. You should just grab them from Redbox… then you’ll have the incentive to watch them fast so you don’t have to pay more than a dollar! 😉

  10. Alissa said that she got me some tickets, so cancel my one. Mine is with Alissas and I am going to be seeing her sometime in the next couple of days to gather the money:)

  11. I’m still trying to figure out away to get back down here for this party!! Last year I was seriously green with envy when I saw all the awesome things you had for your party! But we are moving to WA in 2 weeks and I just don’t know if I can make it back down here… that’s also the weekend before family reunion, and we were planning on going early to see Grandma. So I don’t think I can swing it. But I am eternally jealous of your awesomeness!! I have been excited about this party since you first announced it like a year ago! you have a great party, and I’ll be home in WA thinking of how much fun you will be having. 🙁

  12. Love it! You’ve got some great things Launi! Hope your party is a huge success!

    {Hey, I’m loving those Twilight plaques! lol}

    Thanks for including my shop!


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