Things To Love…

at Easter time…

A couple of local crazies with a set of brand new maracas.

New Springy headband colors coming to the Shop very soon. :}

The prettiest little clothespins you’ve ever laid eyes on.

A page of the absolutely coolest postage stamps I’ve ever-ever seen.

Easter egg candy at my fingertips…as it should be.

Another storm rolling in for the third time today–it’s pretty soggy around here!

Strawberry Jam Squares instead of Birthday cake. Good idea Jillian.

Buttons that just holler “Springtime!” Now…where to use them. Hmmmm…

The perfect grown-up “sippy.” Hee hee…

A bitty girl who sees the world from exactly the right perspective.

So grateful for all of the lovely little things in my life–including you!


4 Replies to “Things To Love…”

  1. Clothespins are adorable and so are the kiddos. Jillian has always had good taste and I LOVE that Easter candy!

  2. Jillian’s Jam Squares choice was a BRILLIANT idea! I love that this is the first “birthday cake” that actually been finished off in a while. đŸ˜‰

    Easter candy… yUUUm. Easter is SO close! Crazy!

    I love those kids… 3 of the funnest kids around!

  3. Yeah, she was pretty smart with the Jam Squares call. Trouble is–she came home from work expecting there to be a ton left. HA! Really.

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