Lake Front Property

If you’ve been around a while–around this blog, I mean–then you may remember a post about our silly, floody house–that all the kids grew up in. If you need a refresher here’s the very post.

At any rate–I recently found this picture of old Daney-boy doing a heroic dive and slide–on our front lawn–to prove to his posterity that we did indeed survive a couple of pretty terrific floods. What you’re missing is how much of that water was pouring into our basement window at the very same time. After a while we learned to set everything downstairs on 2 x 4’s so when the next down pour came along–it couldn’t mercilessly soak all my stuff—from the ground up.

Well, that is–except my kids.



5 Replies to “Lake Front Property”

  1. After my garage and back of the house flooded last year, I don’t like flooding of any kind. There is way too much work involved in the cleaning up. Glad he looks like he is having so much fun though. It is a good thing to learn, to take a moment and have fun even the midst of trial.

  2. The city actually replaced the basement twice because the ground was grated funny. We got a good sense of what is perishable–that’s for sure.

  3. The lawn got flooded WAY more than the house did…. luckily. I’m glad the house wasn’t soaked EVERY time it rained that much. 😉

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