Thankful Pie

Looking for a fun way to help the kiddos focus on their blessings while the turkey is cooking?

How about making a simple little Thankful Pie?

Paint the edges of a paper plate a light brown–to look like pie crust.

Next, use a bowl to trace a circle out of pumpkin colored scrapbook paper.  Cut it out and glue it to the middle of the paper plate.

Attach a plain paper plate to the back of your “pie” with a brad fastened in the middle.

Cut out a wedge from the top “pie” plate–being careful not to cut too near the middle.

You can write whatever you’d like on your pie. We passed out stickers for everyone to write their “blessings” on.

Then, we stuck them on the wedge space, turned it a few inches and attached another.  You’d be surprised at how many blessings your pie will hold.

As you can see…everyone had different ideas…of what to be thankful for.

For me…it’s all pretty obvious. Don’t you think?

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3 Replies to “Thankful Pie”

  1. How cute is this. I am thinking that we will be making one of these today to take to Nana and Papa’s on Thanksgiving for everyone to write in their own thankful item. Thanks for the great idea. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 🙂

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