Remember the fabuloso “yarn” we made a few weeks back out of old T-shirts? Well, I’m happy to report that all that old stuff was given new life. Seems only fitting that if something is going to come back from the “dead” as it were–they should do it close to Halloween…
and reappear as a couple of sweet pumpkins–don’t you think?
I used the pumpkin pattern found at Planet June from a couple of years back. Of course, to work with this stuff–you’ll need a bigger hook than is suggested in the yarn pattern. The H hook felt the most comfortable to me, but you’ll have to mess with it.
Seriously, I do hope you’ll try playing with this fun stuff, because there is just something cool and spooky about bringing something back to life.
Beats Frankenstein any day.

I’ve never seen one of my patterns made from T-shirt yarn before – I love it!
I love it! Must have one! Too bad I would have to hunt down t-shirts, then cut them up, then crochet. Wow that is a lot of work! 😉
It’s a fabulous pattern and these work up so well that you don’t even need to stuff them. They are just nice and firm and hold their shape beautifully!
thanks for your work.
Just wait, someday you’ll have a huge bag for DI and it will be filled with shirts. You’ll see…
I think these are simply ravishing! Is that really a word? Well… they are awesome. Freaking awesome even! 😉 LOVE!
Ravishing is truly a word–a magnamonious word. :}
{snicker, snicker}
Those are so cute!! I think my favorite is the white one — there’s just something about it!