T-shirt Baby Pants

August 11 030

So with the heat of August, which means a cooler on and off during the day–we’ve needed something to add to the babies’ summer wardrobe that will keep her legs from getting too chilly. She does spend more time on the floor where all the cool air lands.

We’ve found a simple solution in Baby Pants, made from T-shirts. With all the grown-ups around here we are always having T-shirts being passed around. When they finally go through all hands, and no one claims one, we either put in the box for donations or we try to make something else out of it. In this case Baby Pants.

Are you ready?

August 11 012

First, smooth out the shirt nice and flat so that you have two side folds.

August 11 013

Using a pair of pants that already fit baby, fold them in half and lay the side edge along one of the folded sides of the the T-shirt with the bottom of the pants lined up on the bottom of the T-shirt.

August 11 014

Cut around the pants being sure to leave about 1/2 inch seam allowance on the sides, and at least 2 inches at the top. If you are using jeans as a pattern–as I am–be sure to leave a little more because they cut them low these days…even for babies.

August 11 015

Sorry this is harder to see but flip the piece you just cut out over to the other folded edge and cut it out the same way.

August 11 017

You’ll have two pieces the same.

August 11 018

Open them up and place them right sides together.

August 11 019

Sew down the curved edge on each side, stopping at the point.

August 11 020

Now, re-orient the pants by matching those two seams together by laying them on top of each other. Now they should look a bit more like pants.

August 11 021

Sew the inside leg seam being careful to match the bottoms and the middle seams.

August 11 022

Fold down the top about 1 inch and sew it down, to form a casing–leaving an opening of about 1-1/2 inches.

August 11 024

Measure around baby’s waist and add one inch. Cut 3/4 inch wide elastic using this measurment.  With a safety pin, guide elastic through the opening, around the waistband and out the other side.

August 11 025

Sew the two ends of the elastic securely together.

August 11 026

Sew the opening closed.

And now you have them…

August 11 032

Soft and squishy, long and cozy, cuddly and warm baby pants! Wahoo!

August 11 038

Our donation bag is in serious trouble now.

27 Replies to “T-shirt Baby Pants”

  1. That is so awesome! Too bad we don’t have a lot of shirts laying around. I think for baby that soft stretchy cotton pants are the most comfortable.

  2. I love this idea even for my 3 & 4 yr old. They would be great for camping… I wouldn’t feel bad if they got dirty or ruined (ok, maybe I would since I had made them) but they would be SO comfy for them. And I wouldn’t be spending a ton on clothes to outfit them in.

    PS- I had my baby… I may just stop by class tonight to say hi! 🙂

  3. Well we have plenty–so if you need me to crank you up some for Piper–just say, “yeah.” That’s what I love is that they are so comfortable.

  4. They work just the same for bigger kids too. In fact, we were ready to go into the store the other day and one of the babies was miraculously soaked. What I wouldn’t have given for a nice, quick, comfortable change of pants. I think we’ll keep a pair in the glove box for just such an occasion next time.

  5. I’m excited for Baby Chomp to have more pants… It might be hot now, but I know it’s on it’s way out! I’ll have to be good and not cut up to nice of shirts… just to get her some cute pants! 😉

  6. Launi, this idea is soooo cool! Now I can modify my emergency storage to include not only big t-shirts, but some cute kid pants in assorted sizes, for the grandkids. They’d even make great pajama bottoms! Or even “leggins” under those winter nightgowns! Thanks!

  7. Honestly, these are fabulous and so easy. I just made three pair at one sitting and have three more cut out and a stack to still do. It’s just fun. Do it. You’ll be amazed.

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  9. I’m new at sewing, but you’ve made me an enthousiast! Thank you for this wonderful tutorial!

  10. I LOVE THIS! I have a 11 month old who is just starting to walk around and this is a GREAT idea for sleeping pants for her…Thanks SO much for sharing!! 😀 ~Rebecca

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