Things I Love…

right this minute…

a little girl and her boy…

an old, hobbly cat that still loves me…

my favorite colors all wound up in one pretty place…

a nearly pink chicken coop…minus the chickens…for now…

the view from my classroom parking lot…

watching a naughty pony swipe snacks from a baby stroller, when no on was looking…

sweet baby pants from an old Polo shirt…

making granny square sponge cubes for the little guy…

making our own water slide…

finally, finally finishing the afghan and sending it home with the newlyweds…

finding a sweet surprise on my computer from a very sweet daughter.

What are you loving right this minute?


5 Replies to “Things I Love…”

  1. Grateful for the post you made this morning! Reminds me right at the start of my day to enjoy all my favorite things and to recognize them as they come, instead of being caught up in the hum-drum of day after day (which is so easy to do!)
    Tried out a new homemade cookie recipe last night, letting my 3 yr old lick the spoon.
    Training the new pup with some success!
    Getting the washer fixed. FINALLY!!!
    Meeting 2 new neighbors and sending them away with smiles and directions to my house.
    A new art commission. Sure its free (again) but it will be some creativity I can thrive on!
    A pretty good list… and all that was just yesterday! oh and I found out the Thanksgiving Point farmer’s market is on Fri evening so I am changing our FM day to accomodate that this week! Should be fun. 😉

  2. I am so grateful for so many things. I was thinking of adding to your grateful list the other day and figured I’d just send them all to you when I was done, but my list has never ended. For that, I am grateful too. 😉 Everything reminds me of Africa. I constantly have been telling my kids about the little things we constantly are taking for granted here in the U.S. (The ENORMOUS POOL with “clean” water we have to swim in) I would LOVE to post a bazillion things I am happy to be living with. Where is the best place to do it? Just be aware…I might not leave room for anyone else. 😉 P.S. I LOVE posts like this! So many little blessings each day! XOXO-

  3. I love…

    *Peach shakes (I’m sure I’ve listed that one before)
    *Etsy (you know… while I’m listing websites)
    *Back to School sales
    *End of Summer Days that are still perfectly beautiful and warm… but not heat-stroke-inducingly hot
    *Shoes comfortable enough to wear without socks
    *The Boulder’s Contagious Smile
    *Talking to Baby Chomp about calling her Miss Chomp (she’s growing up too fast!) or maybe just Chompy Chomp! 😉

    And of course…

    *YOU, My Awesome Mom!

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