Perfect Peach Ice Cream

Look out now.

Oh, baby…

August 13 030

Before we begin, if you don’t already have one of these–fix that grandiose faux paux (dreadful oversight) and run right out to Target and get one…


We’ll wait…

Are you back?


Now then–after you have followed the directions below—

put all the ingredients in the ice cream freezer…

close it all up and surround it with tons of ice and a bit of rock salt, plug it in and freeze the heck out of it. When is slows down and stalls, run very, very quickly and turn it off…

before someone else beats you to it.

You don’t want to miss this.

Remove the paddle and try with all your might to scrape all of it back into the freezer…

most of it back into the freezer…

some of it back into the freezer…

Ok, ok…just hold it over the sink and lick it all off.

No one will know…and you won’t be sorry.

Creamy. Frosty. Peachy.


You’ll need to wipe your chin.

Perfect Peach Sherbet


1- 6 oz. package Peach jello

2 cups sugar

4 cups water

2 cans diced peaches (29 oz)

2 cups peach syrup

2 cup whipping cream


Boil water; add Jello and allow to cool. Add sugar, syrup, peaches and cream. Mix and freeze in ice cream freezer until slightly firm.  Remove paddle and replace lid. Store in large freezer about 2 hours before serving.


Perfect Peach Sherbet
  • 1- 6 oz. package Peach jello
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cans diced peaches (29 oz)
  • 2 cups peach syrup
  • 2 cup whipping cream
  1. Boil water; add Jello and allow to cool.
  2. Add sugar, syrup, peaches and cream.
  3. Mix and freeze in ice cream freezer until slightly firm.
  4. Remove paddle and replace lid.
  5. Store in large freezer about 2 hours before serving.


Week 22 Food Storage Prompt: 1 can tuna, 4 cans Tomato Soup, 10 lbs. sugar

7 Replies to “Perfect Peach Ice Cream”

  1. This stuff is GOOD!!! 🙂 Thanks for making such yummyness. My soul is happy and my stomach owes you many thanks! yUUUm!

  2. Mom’s right Prel. You won’t be the same… but you’d better hurry up. I’m trying to be a good girl and not eat the entire thing myself 😉

  3. Don’t look now…but I’ve got you both beat. But fear not…we are moving on to another flavor this week. Stay tuned.

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