Super Bowl Dreams

Oh, we were ready, all right.

We had the food…

the colors…

the decorations…

the cheer leaders…

and my lucky purple socks.

Then the unthinkable happened.





Gracious Rain sadly declares a national day of mourning…

I’ll be back when I have the strength…

to go on.

6 Replies to “Super Bowl Dreams”

  1. I actually watched the 4th quarter of this game. The whole time I kept thinking of you guys and I swear I could hear the moaning at my house. Try to make some lemonade out of this. You can do it! 😉

  2. Ok…ok. If they would just make an announcement about the ProBowl that is happening this weekend. We have 8 Vikings that are scheduled to play in it. But after this 3 point loss in OVERTIME–half of them may just want to go home and sleep for 6 months.

    It would be nice to have one more game to look forward to.

    I’m trying to muster up the bravery. Thanks…I’ll go buy some lemons and see what I can do.

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