Grocery Bag “Yarn”

When people see the handbags some of us carry around they never believe that we’ve made them from regular grocery bags.

I bet I’ve been asked about 65,000 times in the last few years–“How can you possibly crochet with a grocery bag?”

Consequently, this story has been told quite a bit, but never here on the blog. So, for those of you who’d like to know—this is how you do it.

Take one innocent looking grocery–the thin, noisy kind–and smooth it out flat.

Fold it in half lengthwise and smooth out again.

Fold in half again, and smooth out.

Cut off the bottom seam, and the handles at the top.

Fold in half again.

Cut the strip into 1 inch  pieces…

until you’ve cut the whole strip.

Open up the loops…

Remember making rubberband chains when you were a kid?

Well, it’s like that.

Pull one loop through the other until…

they knot together. Do this over and over and over until you’re sitting in a big pile of grocery bag yarn. Stuff it all into a bag and then–when you’re in the mood you can crochet with it–

-pretty much like yarn. No kidding.

It’s a great way to recycle those silly bags and make our own teeny tiny dent in the local land fill.

And now you know the true secret of the universe. But don’t tell anyone…or do.

Either way.

heh heh

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Watch “Dane’s Wish

34 Replies to “Grocery Bag “Yarn””

  1. So cool. Still not patient enough to try, but so cool! The salads worked, by the way. I lost .8 lbs this morning.

  2. Good job! On to skinny we go!

    And you are too “patient enough to try.” It’s actually quite soothing to work with this stuff–provided it isn’t the heavy plastic. That’s a bit tougher. But the regular stuff is so fun.

  3. And can you believe it—they are washer/dryer safe too! I’ve washed mine probably 10 times and it’s still beautiful. Good stuff.

  4. I was thinking the same thing as Jillian… you know, that maybe this should have been posted in behind the Secrets tab! 😉 Ha ha ha! But good for you for sharing the knowledge! The craft gods will surely smile on you! 😉 HA ha ha!

  5. I LOVE this. i saved it in my favs. I have TONS of bags that i’ve kept for years. lol. i hate throwing them away. so i’ve got bags full of bags. I will DEF have to sit down one day and try this.

  6. I have tried Grocery Bag “Yarn” on a knitting loom and it works great!
    Thank you for this wonderful idea!

  7. This is SOOO cool!! How can you make the bag different colors? Can you dye the plastic in any way? Can you combine the plastic bag yarn with regular yarn??

  8. I have just stumbled across your site. I am really impressed with the carrier bag, bag.. I would never have thought to make anything with a bag. I usually use mine for rubbish, or take them back for recycling.

    What a wonderfully creative idea. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a wonderful day x

  9. this is probably the MOST awesome thing i have ever stumbled upon. no lie. this is amazing.

  10. Great! I will start cutting and tying my million plastic bags – will you post the pattern on this page? I will keep a watch on here. Thanks again for sharing
    Cheers, Brenda

  11. Lovely bag! Better than ALL the others I’ve seen. Very nice, professional styling! I do prefer to cut my “plarn” (plastic yarn) in a “spiral” not loops. It’s one continuous spiral, with it making a 21+ FOOT long length, between knots. And, with working with ends, I can place the join where “I” want, not where it lands, as with the loop version. Just a thought. Look on Google, Bing, etc, or youtube for the video of cutting the spiral cut, to see how to cut it. It’s simple, but amazing.

  12. I really enjoyed reading through your blog. I love the grocery bag bag and your crocheted fabric storage solutions. Do you have a recipe/pattern available–even for purchase? I am trying to keep my daughters busy through the summer and this looks like something that would double bless us! Personal progress, recycling and saving the environment, and eye appealing organization! Can it get any better? 🙂

  13. My church uses the plastic bag yarn to make sleeping mats for the homeless people. It helps keep their bedding off the damp ground & they are washable, dry quickly. Thanks for sharing how to make the plarn!

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