Out In the Garden

Chompy, Beany and I took a stroll out into the garden–such as it is. To be honest, we didn’t expect much from the silly, weedy thing. It’s been a funny season–wet, dry, hot, windy and then it all starts over again. The poor plants seemed confused as to what we actually wanted from them.

So it was a fun surprise to find that a fair bit of parsley and dill made it through to the sunlight…

as well as a few peppers, onions, garlic and…yes, a handful of tomatoes…four.

Luckily, the zucchini is always an over achiever…

along with a few hidden cucumbers–found just in the nick of time.

Miss Chompy helped me gather the rest of the strawberries–but they didn’t “keep.” Not a single one made it from the patch to the house.

Don’t look at me…she was holding the pail.

Not such a bad haul–when you think that we expected nothing at all. Looks like it’s back to the farmer’s market for us. Tomatoes, pears, apples and perhaps another lug of peaches…because we’ve already proven…

they don’t keep either.  :}

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2 Replies to “Out In the Garden”

  1. Wowser… Not nearly as productive as yours. We have some wonderful corn on the cob, peppers, zuchinni, but the cantaloupessssss are not too tasty this year. Hum.

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