A Fairy Boy…

from a sweet friend in far away Portugal. Isn’t he just amazing?!

I never expected anything so gorgeous to just appear on my porch, out of the blue…like magic.

But there he was with his spindly little legs–carved out of a tree branch– I think…

and adorable smile. Ooooh, I could just eat him up! In fact, I’m going to hang him on the canopy of my bed so that I can see him all the time and just let him make me smile.

I positively LOVE him to bits!

And you too Teresa. Thank you so much for your kindness, and your generosity and most of all, for knowing just how much I love the fairy folk, and all the love and sparkle they bring to our world…





PS~ Happy Summer Solstice everyone. Did you know that today is the longest day of the year? To celebrate, I’m going outside to walk around in my bare feet and…you know…connect with Mother Nature. Then, I think I’ll come inside–where it’s cool–and eat an apple or something.

What Summer-y thing are you going to do today?

Summerfest~ The Big Blow-out

Oh, I know I’ve shown you Summerfest before–here, and here,  here, and here, and here to be precise. There’s even a post about one time when we were rained out. Yes, my friends–I’ve been blogging that long. :}

So we drove past our usual spot on Wednesday and found that people were already putting blankets down for the Saturday evening parade. Seriously?! I used to think that Thursday was too early–but our favorite spot that’s become a tradition for the last 10 years–was already taken. The nerve of some people! Luckily the kids staked out a place just up the road a bit that was almost as good and it worked out fine.

Until we got all settled in with our chairs and bags and kids and glow sticks–they’re a tradition–and the wind started to blow like some kind of rainless hurricane. It was crazy I tell you! April tried to help poor baby Magoo who was under a blanket tent, in his car seat–trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Lily was nearly blown over and Lyndi–well, she called for back up.

We put chairs and bags on the blankets so that they didn’t blow down the street and Lyndi figured the best thing to do was to move Magoo to the inside of her jacket…

which he liked sooo much better. But it got so cold, so fast, that she decided to go back to the car with him. Babies and wind bellows–not such a good mix.

Miss Chompy was pretty content wrapped up in her blanket with her bag of cotton candy. I could have sworn it was JUNE!! My big sturdy Bungie Lounger actually blew over three times in the wind.

Then just next to us–where we used to sit, a really scary thing happened. One of the city flags blew right out of the bracket and caught on the street light. Can you see it hanging by a couple of threads? The police went nuts and cleared everyone just past us out of the way so they could get it down before it nailed somebody in the head.

They called a fire truck and an ambulance and when they grabbed it, it still flew out of their hands and hit a city car that was on the other side of the fire truck. Well, we’ve endured many things over the years–in the name of tradition–but I have to say, this cold wind–when we were dressed for summer–was too much.

So. We. Bailed.

After making a run for Mexican food and pizza, we found that the kiddos were pretty much just as happy with a front room floor picnic and an episode of “My Little Ponies” on Netflix as with all the plans that had to be scrapped.

Of course, we still pulled out the glow sticks and made necklaces and bracelets and glasses and belts for everyone.

So, while the wind raged outside, we played inside. Before long, the kids forgot all about the fireworks that we missed. Learning to roll with the unexpected is starting to become part of the adventure around here. Good thing too.

We could use some new traditions.

Summer Colors

This year, with all the lovely excitement going on–Dane’s wedding in February, our new sweet baby–Magoo in March, birthdays in April, our Mother’s Day trip and a Bridal Shower in May and now our little Jillian’s wedding coming soon–there has been no time to plan or prepare or buy or plant very much in the way of new flowers this year.

I’ve been worried that I would miss the colors that usually greet us at the front door, or outside my window or in the side planter–you know, if I didn’t DO something soon.

But oddly enough, while strolling through the yard, I realized that some lovely things just happen…on their own…

almost by magic.

Some loveliness was put there on purpose…

but most of it just sprung up–as a surprise…

in the midst of our oh-so-important-busyness.

A sweet reminder from Mother Nature, perhaps…

that we don’t always need to be in charge of everything.

And that while it’s wonderful to be able to plan and prepare and buy and plant so that everything is just the way we want it, when it comes to natural breathtaking beauty—

Mother Nature has indeed got it covered.


Oh Happy Day

This is the day that we wait all summer long for– Fresh Peach Shakes at our favorite Taco place. Oh. My. Word. We get a little nutty with it, to tell you the truth. We’ve found that it’s perfectly ok to have a peach shake for breakfast…lunch…AND dinner. Wonderful even.

These sweet things—made with peaches from the company’s very own orchard—are beyond incredible. And they only make them until the peaches are gone.

So we waited patiently while they made one just for us.

Oh, we were entertained in the meantime with Chompy’s ice cream cone…

umm….adventure. But at last, at last…

the pretty girl gave us our scrumptious peach shake! Ooooh…how will we be able to drive straight? It’s sooo good.

The only thing better than grabbing this thing nice and quick and gobbling it down would be if I could learn to make them at home…


Oh—do I heard a challenge?

Yeah–I have some peaches to play with. But I’ll be back soon.

heh, heh, heh.

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Things We Have An Abundance Of…

Peaches…again…and for as long as we can get them. Today may just be a jam day. We’ll see.

T-shirt yarn to make some lovely projects with–you’ll see…very soon!  :}

Pine cones…they’re everywhere! We gather them up and do our noble best to save them as fire-starters–but they just keep coming back. Do you suppose they grow up from the concrete?

Firewood—since that mighty wind came along and huffed and puffed and blew the fence down. Thank goodness for the strong and sturdy fellows that gathered and stacked it all.

Blueberries…by the busload, whipped into so many lovely things–stay tuned.

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Pretty girls with watering cans to help our thirsty garden. Tomatoes are still sleeping–what is going ON?

Finger puppets from WeeKnit–and we haven’t even gotten out our Halloween and Christmas ones yet! HA! Obsessive you say? I haven’t begun to be obsessive…yet!  :}

Blue Jays–you know, the huge, bossy, squawking kind that chase all the other birds away and fill their mouths up with sunflower seeds and fly away somewhere else to shell and eat them. Silly things.

The tail end of our gorgeous summer flowers–showing off, I suppose, one last time before they sleep for a while.

What about you on this lovely day–what do YOU have an abundance of?