Eclipse Bash…

and we’re not kidding.

It’s all happening at midnight TONIGHT! The Eclipse midnight movie–that is. We’ve been working hard to make sure everyone in our Gracious Rain theater has a good time.

Maybe I’ll see you there!

Peace. Love. Twilight.

heh, heh.

Bella’s Birthday

Our cute friend Jordan is quite the party girl, so she decided to throw a lovely little bash before our Eclipse movie premier.  The theme was “Bella’s Birthday” of course.

All the right people came out of the shadows…

and Bella’s gifts were perfect. Here’s her new car stereo from Emmett…

the photo album from her mom…

and camera from Charlie.

My daughter even made the cake.

We ate Face Punch popcorn…

and bitten cookies, and watched the Twilight New Moon movie on the side of Jordan’s house. Good friends, good food and tons of fun.

Simply perfect!

Happy Birthday Bella!!

A Few More Friends…

Twilight Eclipse Friends that is.

And just look what they’ve sent us as giveaways for our Eclipse Opening Night Theater Bash! This gorgeous double strand bracelet is from Jennifer at Magnolia Chick Designs.

This amazing photo–and many more shots taken in Forks, Washington, and LaPush beach came from our friends at Plum Lane Photos.

The sweet people over at Angie’s Iris sent a bottle of real, true sand from First Beach in LaPush–and went the extra mile and sent me a mini bottle of my own!

The mother/daughter team of NatLZol sent us art prints, a pendant and this embroidered pillow case.

And of course, our darling Jenny over at WeeKnit made this “Twilight Eclipse” set of finger puppets for the giveaway. Can you guess who is who?

Ok, now–admit it. You know you want to come with us to our theater and to the pre-movie Eclipse giveaway bash. So if you’d like to have a good shot at winning any of nearly 100 prizes and you can’t seem to get tickets to the opening night of Twilight “Eclipse” and you live reasonably near Utah County, and you’d like to come to our party–email me at

Oh, and do hurry…there are only about 6-8 seats left.

Run, run. Fly, fly. Email me quick.

Team Twilight!


Speaking of Vampires…

Look what the family Book Group is reading nowDracula. Yikes.

If you haven’t read this chilly little novel–and who in their right mind would?–then you don’t know. It is incredibly creepy for a ancient classic, so of course the bald kid picked it.

Seriously, while read this–I was shaky before the original bat-man even came on the scene–so how will I ever survive long enough to get allll the way…


Chapter Two?

Makes one want to run…

for the cover…



heh, heh…that was a good one.

Twilight Friends

As you may already know there’s a big Eclipse bash brewing over here…

We are admittedly the party wack-jobs of the universe and this time, while we have the entire theater–it has not curbed our behavior in the least. In fact–we’re getting worse by the second. We’ve even contacted some of our favorite Etsy shops who are graciously offering prizes for the pre-movie bash–to be held at Pirate Island Pizza just before the show!

Let me show you a couple of the amazing things that we’ve received so far…

1~ We’ve received key rings and bag clips and magnets…from a pretty little shop called Vikster’s Crafts

2~ Bella’s Fingerless Gloves from Stitch N Snitch. Simply beautiful!

3~ Some adorable plaques from “Smitten & Bitten”

4~ A gorgeous bracelet from “Empty Heart Creations

5~ These fabulous gemstone earrings from Twilighter VA

6~ These adorable “Forks” earrings…get it? Forks? ha! They are from Twilight Tammy‘s pretty little shop.

Please, please–take a minute and click the links to these kind and generous Etsy shops. You’ll be amazed at what you can find.

And me? Well…

I’m gonna go check the mail!


Click HERE to enter our Cookbook Bonanza Giveaway!