A Few More Friends…

Twilight Eclipse Friends that is.

And just look what they’ve sent us as giveaways for our Eclipse Opening Night Theater Bash! This gorgeous double strand bracelet is from Jennifer at Magnolia Chick Designs.

This amazing photo–and many more shots taken in Forks, Washington, and LaPush beach came from our friends at Plum Lane Photos.

The sweet people over at Angie’s Iris sent a bottle of real, true sand from First Beach in LaPush–and went the extra mile and sent me a mini bottle of my own!

The mother/daughter team of NatLZol sent us art prints, a pendant and this embroidered pillow case.

And of course, our darling Jenny over at WeeKnit made this “Twilight Eclipse” set of finger puppets for the giveaway. Can you guess who is who?

Ok, now–admit it. You know you want to come with us to our theater and to the pre-movie Eclipse giveaway bash. So if you’d like to have a good shot at winning any of nearly 100 prizes and you can’t seem to get tickets to the opening night of Twilight “Eclipse” and you live reasonably near Utah County, and you’d like to come to our party–email me at Launi@GraciousRain.com.

Oh, and do hurry…there are only about 6-8 seats left.

Run, run. Fly, fly. Email me quick.

Team Twilight!


10 Replies to “A Few More Friends…”

  1. Oh MAN!!! This stuff is SOOO awesome! I’ve favorite-d all their shops because I want to be sure to keep track of them! You’ve sure found some generous and talented people out there, for sure!!! *:D* I’m SOOO excited! It’s coming soon!!!

  2. Launi dear, as you can see I am having trouble even getting the 2nd movie watched and so I’m afraid jumping right to the 3rd would throw me into a tail spin. You are all brave women over there to spear head this big bash! Good for you though. I’m sure you will have a blast.

  3. If I wasn’t trying to be mature about this I would just bawl. We would love to have you with us–but I understand…it’s ok. We’ll rig up something so that you can see them all and we’ll throw you a little party of your own. Daney boy will be in the same boat. He likely won’t be interested in the Vampire love story for some time.

    We love you.

  4. Would you quit already… You are making me even more jealous and bummed that I can’t go!! Jonathan said that he will take me to see it the first day it’s out just to make me feel better… but without you, well it’s just not the same 🙁 have fun, but remember I will be dreaming about your awesome party all night!

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