Greatest Hits From Gracious Rain


Last week, as you know–we celebrated our 1 year Blogiversary.  Thank you all so much for sharing with us what you loved over the past year and what you’d like to see to make this site even better. In the meantime, I’ll share with you the list of posts that you said were your very favorites–with a link–in case you’d like to dive into the archives with us.

Here goes:

Soft Pretzels

Magelby’s Breadsticks

Lily’s Lamby

December 12, 2008 012

Felt Christmas Ornaments 

Bottled Cupcakes

Woodland Creatures


Personal History Prompt Jar

Million List 

Baby Pants

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Funeral Potatoes

Spooky Skirts

Quilting Shop Hop

Mummy Dog

Crochet Hats

Copy of July 16 462

New York


True Confession

Sherbet Melon

Fried Chicken

Brazilian Limeade

Thanks to everyone who voted–please know that your requests for the future are being formulated as we speak. Oh, and your surprises will be on their way soon!

heh, heh, heh…