Up, Up and Away

Each Independence Day, before decent people are even awake…

We make our way to the Provo Balloon Festival.  It goes like this…

First we wander around until we find just the right spot.

Then we sit back and enjoy the beautiful show.

Aside from the fact that being surrounded by all this lovely stuff is an  incredible experience–aside from that–I’m not completely sure why we do all this.

It really could be this.

Could be this

It could be this.

In the end…I think…

I hope

that it is always…



You Just Can’t Tell

When somebody is gone for two whole years–it’s hard to say what you’ve missed the most–about them–in that time. Was it their smile?

Their laughter at the dinner table?

Their love for all the babies?

Their happy attitude?

Or just their sweet face?

Sure…sure…it’s all of that and a hundred times more, but this afternoon, I do believe I’ve found one thing pretty darn close to the top of that list.

Welcome back boys playing football in the backyard.

It’s been far too long.

Welcome back…indeed.

This Very Weekend…

I ate some amazing Chocolate Caramel Cookies

…and played with a pretty little baby doll…

and drank a peach smoothie…

and shared some with a little puddin’ head…

and read some more scary stuff…

and marveled at the love of fine literature around here…

and studied a ladybug…

and tried to get organized at last and once and for all…

so that we can gladly do it all again…

next week.

Lifelong Service

“All of us now are serving and will continue to serve as lifelong missionaries. We are missionaries every day in our families, in our schools, in our places of employment, and in our communities. Regardless of our age, experience, or station in life, we are all missionaries.”