Made In America~

If you’d like to take the “Made in USA Challenge”– check out the button on my side bar–or if you’d rather, click here. Seems to me that this is a truly worthy cause and not really all that hard to do. This site is full of US shops and vendors so it’s essentially doing a ton of the work for you. And by spending just less than $70–more if you’d like–on American made goods we’ll be helping, in a small way to keep jobs in our country.

Feels like the right thing to do.

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Beauty All Around

April and I took a quick trip up the canyon yesterday and we were positively awestruck with the beauty of the scenery around us. Sincerely, it took our breath away. Then we rounded the bend and came out of the canyon and crested the Orem hill and saw…


this. We had no choice but to pull over to avoid getting in a wreck.

What a beautiful world we live in.


Independence Day

The little folks waited patiently all day long for the sky to get dark enough, and at last–at LAST…

it did!

Since the Masters of the Universe just recently changed the firework laws in our state–because of the rain, I bet– now aerial fireworks are legal. That will sure shake things up a bit!

So, of course, we had front row seats…

to one of the best shows on earth.

We even had Popsicles…

and lots of umbrellas. Yes-siree, this was a first…

watching beautiful fireworks in the warm, summer rain.

I read somewhere that turkeys can actually drown in a rainstorm–because the silly creatures keep looking straight up.

It felt kinda like that.

:} Hope your holiday was wonderful!!