Made In America~

If you’d like to take the “Made in USA Challenge”– check out the button on my side bar–or if you’d rather, click here. Seems to me that this is a truly worthy cause and not really all that hard to do. This site is full of US shops and vendors so it’s essentially doing a ton of the work for you. And by spending just less than $70–more if you’d like–on American made goods we’ll be helping, in a small way to keep jobs in our country.

Feels like the right thing to do.

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2 Replies to “Made In America~”

  1. Awesome, I’m printing out to give to club members around where I live, and I’ve put on my facebook though I don’t have many friends – thank you!

  2. Wow… that’s cool! I thought of this while I was shopping at our little locally owned party store last week. I need to do better at it, because it’s just so darn easy to shop online! 😉 Thanks for the reminder! 😎

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