5 Things I’m Thankful For…

…at this very moment…

1) A sister who brings over Turkey Cupcakes–they look like turkeys, they taste like chocolate–that are so, so cute–I couldn’t let anyone eat them until we got a picture. Plus, I figured if I could distract everyone long enough…I wouldn’t have to share. Heh, heh, heh…

2) A big black cat named Beany, that sleeps at the foot of my bed–the far right side of the foot of my bed so that I can still move my feet if I want to OR scoot my feet under him to keep them extra toasty. Yeah…he’s a good sport.

3) Thanksgiving decorations all over the place. Laurie–the cupcake sister–made the pilgrims for me a billion years ago.

The turkey bailed into my cart at JoAnn’s last year.

4) The piles on my ridiculous desk. So much potential for fun stuff. I can’t wait to sort them out and see what’s in there. I must point out…this s not a mess. I mean it. This is total order in my world.

5) “Thing 1” and “Thing 2.” The squishyist and most magnamonious babies in the world. It’s quite possible that I made both of those words up. If so…don’t tell me. They are perfect for my needs–thank you.



“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice.”

~Meister Eckhart

2 Replies to “5 Things I’m Thankful For…”

  1. I think I could agree with you on each of those points. The turkeys were great especially for the “you didn’t tell me you were going to kill it” factor. Cats are nice when they’re cuddly–I used to love it when they slept on my bed. Decorations inspire me to make my piles into projects. And the twins? Ahhh… just the “things” all of us needed huh? SO excited that baby chomp is coming too!

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