

Beckham asked for a Pokemon Diglett.  How hard could it be?  Why….I won’t even need a pattern.

Of course, right. But it severely complicates things when you wait waaaaay too long to finish it, and end up sewing the rocks and dirt around him in the car, ON THE WAY to the birthday party.

I had planned to do a way better job with this one. In fact, I told Beck that I wanted to make his eyes shiny and put tons more dirt around him but he said, “No, I like him just like that.”

So, the lesson learned here is do it right BEFORE the kid sees it because you won’d have time for redemption afterwards. Hahaha.

But even the baby was taken with it.

I’d love to stick around, but I’m afraid there are more birthdays coming.

Gotta go sew.



PS– In the end I wasn’t completely satisfied with the look of this little fella–so I took him back home and reworked him. Check out the new and improved Diglett HERE.  We’re alllll a lot happier now.

With The Kids


While my daughter April went to Quilt Market, in Texas–I got to stay behind (wahhh!) and take care of the kiddos (hooray!). We actually had tons of fun just hanging out, doing homework, annnnnd….

putting together a gargantuan 1000 piece puzzle. I wasn’t sure that they’d care ANYthing about such a huge thing with such teeny, tiny pieces.

But they did. We spent hours and hours sitting at the table talking, and laughing, and finding pieces for each other. Probably helped that it was a puzzle about candy.

It also helped that we had plenty of Cheetos on hand. Speaking of hands, look what I found.

Skeleton Cheetos!!! Whoever heard of such a thing?


Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

As if Cheetos needed to get any better. These ones were white cheddar flavored. Oh, my goodness…YUM.


This little guys is yelling, “SAVE ME!!”

Too late.

Heh, heh, heh.

Christmas Wish


So, sweet Beckham comes to me one day holding his old, worn out slippers that I made him when he was a baby, and says, “Grammy–this Christmas, do you think you could make me some slippers that are, you know…bigger?”


Ummm….yep, Beck.


I can.


These Cuties

Last week, I took on a new and very different job for 5 days.

I got to look after this handsome Beckham fellow…

and his pretty sister Lily while their folks were gone…to Cancun. Yeah, I know. Cool, right?

I was a little nervous at first because, well, it’s been awhile since I’ve been the person in charge. When you’re in the Grammy Phase the only person you’re the boss of is yourself. So this was very, very different.

So was this…

and this and the natural peanut butter that you have to stir. Very interesting…and tasty but different.

April–the mom–is really getting into the healthier life-style–as we all are. She’s just a little further along on the path than some of us. We’re working on it.

Here’s something else that was different. No, not the kids. Look at the wooly sheep by Lily’s elbow, and the other one behind Beckham’s head. Those, my friends are dogs. Bali and Petra to be exact. Have you ever heard me talk about dogs? No, you haven’t because I have cats at my place. No canines. So taking care of two doggies was pretty dang new to me.

In fact, as part of our weekly adventures, we got to take them to the groomers–which was a-day-at-the-circus all by itself. Especially when I couldn’t find the leashes…anywhere. Just let your imagination soar here, and you’ll get the picture.

But this little guy and his sister and mommy came to visit us too–which was wonderful.

After playing in the sprinklers and in the kiddie pool, the little people did plenty of this.

And once they were in bed–I did plenty of this and  this. Yeah, I’m in love with these guys…  which is of course…

nothing different at all.

Heh, heh.