If You Insist

I’m certain that if it was in my power–

to hold them still and keep them in this time and space…

I would be tempted to do it–for a while longer, at least.

Until I get my fill of the hugs and kisses and baby talk and lost shoes and favorite blankies and all-fall-downs and made up words and ants-go-marching and wrong side outs–that are the way of these little people. The things that tuck them straight into my grammie-heart for safe keeping.

Maybe I could just let them know when I’m finished with it all.

Because seriously…

no matter what Lily or the candles say~

they still get to be my babies

for a while yet.

9 Replies to “If You Insist”

  1. That is a HUGE button for me. You know the Press-This-Button-If-You-Want-To-See-Lyndi-Cry kind of button. I don’t mean to hold onto the past, but I always seem to LOVE where we’re at… and then all of the sudden it’s gone. *sigh* I’m convinced that heave for me is going to be one huge video rental store full of home movies. 😉

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