Things To Love~

right this minute…

A pretty girl kitty that seems to really like having her picture taken.

A great big, grumpy man cat that couldn’t care less…about anything…one way or the other…as long as you don’t mess with him.

An incredibly lovely, handmade quilt designed by my smarty-pants daughter over at Prairie Grass Patterns, and sewn together by my dear friend Lynnette. What a great thing to stay warm with.

A balloon wrapped in cellophane to look just like a giant piece of candy…stuck on the wall.

A kind little sweetheart that will make an incredible massage therapist someday.

An amazing discovery–a robot that will do your exercising for you…I’ll take two!

Miss Chompy’s Super bowl outfit even if they aren’t…you know…actually playing in it. Dang it.

What do you love this fine day?



2 Replies to “Things To Love~”

  1. I’m loving:

    *The bright sunshine and the clear blue sky
    *Creating a new habit of drinking LOTS of water each day
    *Learning more about essential oils
    *Counting down the days…
    *Wishing, hoping and planning for the future

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