Things I Love~

right this minute.


This girl and that guy who came to visit us this week…

yeah, they’re nuts–but they’re just so dang cute.


Hanging quotes up all over the house, sometimes to make a point, and sometimes to remind myself to focus a bit. Works wonders.


A silly kitty that insists on sleeping on my feet every night. Makes me a bit claustrophobic…but it feels nice to have her want to be there too.


A bald guy who still doesn’t want me to take his picture very often…so mostly…I don’t…mostly.


The perfect shade of pink right outside the front door…where it should be so that I can see it first thing.


Breakfast that looks like a TV commercial and tastes even better.


A wrestling match that’s been waiting for years to happen.


Brave little Bishop’s weed under the front window. It grows and grows and pretends that I don’t neglect it at all. Poor thing. 009

My favorite TV show in the whole…wide…world…on it’s last season. *sniff-shiff*


The old dude who’s still plugging along. We should probably call him Hopalong Beany.


Speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


What are you loving right this minute?

2 Replies to “Things I Love~”

  1. <ow that was just plain beautiful 😀 what a lovely home you have, so welcoming. thanks for sharing those beautiful moments 🙂

  2. I love the things that you love too! I also love going outside and not having to pack up coats & blankets… instead we’re just grabbing water bottles and carrying ice cream cones. Ha ha ha! 🙂

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