The Voting Is In…

The silly little flapper hat that got the most votes was #2 by a landslide. So now that we know which hat is the winner—we need to find the person winner.

This soft little thing would most likely fit a 1 or 3 year old–depending on…well, you know, how big their head is. If you win it and it doesn’t fit the intended noggin–I’ll just make another one…while I’m in this erratic, crocheting-like-a-wild-woman-phase. For those of you who emailed and asked about different sizes—I’ll get on that ASAP. Baby sizes, grown-up sizes–I’ll give it a whirl and we’ll see what works. Stay tuned.

Oh, and if you’d like to win this giveaway—just leave a commentΒ  on this post.Β  We’ll choose a winner on Friday morning at 10am.

Good luck, guys!

22 Replies to “The Voting Is In…”

  1. Oooh! What an adorable hat! How did I miss that we were all voting on the cutest one earlier? Oh well. I would LOVE to dress one of my girlies in this.

  2. I know, I know, I can’t win. But I just want to say that even if you sell these, or give them away, or whatever, the grandbabies still get first dibs! πŸ™‚

  3. Ohhh… the white one is SOOO cute!!! πŸ™‚ I love it and I bet someone is going to be SOOO darling in it. Whoever wins will be sooo happy!!! YAHOO!!!

  4. So cute. I wish I had a girl that it would fit. Maybe if I win I’ll just save it. Or see if I can fit it on my cousins head (she’s older) because she’s lost all her hair.

  5. Wow, I’d just love to see my grandaughters in these. (Maybe Summerfest!) I love all of ’em, but ‘specially the blue one and the white one!

  6. please please…let me win…
    Hey, will you make some crocheted flowers for hair?

  7. I think it looks lovely. You do a great job crocheting! When you get some time come on down and visit my new little miracle!

  8. Hi! I’m a friend of Lyndi’s. Thanks for the chance to win! That hat is adorable, and would be awesome for my little niece. (I’m pregnant w/ boy #3, otherwise I’d keep it for my own!)

  9. The hat is just lovely! I am hoping this is the year I learn more about crochet…I love your blog! Great recipes, tutorials, and I love the Appreciating the Puddles section!

  10. Me, me, me! Any size will be perfect seeing how I don’t have a girl yet…but maybe this just might be the thing that will inspire her to come next! πŸ˜‰

  11. Did I mention that I think that all of the hats are cute? I think I had something I else I wanted to say in this comment, but I can’t remember what it was. Maybe next time. πŸ™‚

  12. I love it! It is so unique and beautiful. I love how the edges have the scalloped look. You do nice work!

  13. Oh…and if you wanted to know, I have three girls! Ages 5, 3 and 8 months. Pick me! Pick me! πŸ˜‰

  14. Yeah!, pick me! I don’t have any kids yet, but my hope chest is sure growing. There’s so many wonderful cute things for kids and babies. (sheepish grin here)

  15. i can’t believe how sweet you are to always to do giveaways! Whoever wins is going to have a super styling kid! πŸ™‚

  16. Is the contest still open? I hope so! That’s adorable, and I have a hat loving 22 month old that would just love it :). Thank you for commenting on my blog – I appreciate knowing who is stopping by. You have a wonderful, peaceful place here yourself, and I’m sure I’ll be back.

  17. Well, alls I can say is that this is the most beautiful lil’ hat I’ve ever seen, and it just so happens that I have the most beautiful little girl you’ve ever seen, so it’s a perfect fit! We would model it very often πŸ™‚ Crocheting is a lot of fun and I wish I knew how to do it better, but that’s what people like you are for!

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