Jack-in-the-Box-ish Tacos

When I was in high school, I could not get enough JITB Tacos. Any excuse would do and we’d jump in whoever could drive’s car and order a huge bag full.

If you don’t live near a Jack in the Box…and you don’t have any idea what on earth I’m talking about…I’m sorry. I can’t help you.

But if–like me, you know the addictive qualities of  the  aforementioned taco–then you’re gonna love this one. No lie—it’s the recipe! (insert giddy, maniacal laughter here) We made them this afternoon and I had to fight the urge to take the plate and hide in the basement until they were–you know–magically gone.

In fact, I almost called my similarly smitten sister Laurie to come over and help us taste test them.

I said, almost.

I’m not stupid.

Jack-in-the-Box-ish Tacos


1 lb ground beef

1/2 cup refried beans

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons chili powder

1/4 cup mild, non-chunky taco sauce (Ortega is good)

soft corn tortillas (warm them in a pan with a lid before using so they don’t crack when you fold them)

3 cups Crisco cooking oil

6 slices American cheese

1 head finely chopped lettuce


Brown the beef over low heat, use a spatula to chop and stir the meat. When the beef is brown drain the fat. Add the refried beans and use the wooden spoon to mash the whole beans into the mixture to create a smooth texture. Add the salt, chili powder and 2 Tbs of taco sauce to the mixture. Remove from the heat. In another skillet heat 1/4 inch of oil until hot. Spread aprox. 2 Tbsp of the beef mixture on the center of each corn tortilla. Fold the tortillas over and press so that the beef filling holds the sides together. Drop each taco into the pan of hot oil and fry on both sides until crispy. When cooked remove the tacos from the oil and place them on a rack or some paper towels until they cool. Slightly pry open add 1/2 slice American cheese folded into a triangle and some lettuce. Top with about 1/2 tsp of the remaining taco sauce.

Invite people over and tell them you went all the way to Jack-in-the-Box to bring dinner…or tell the truth. Be careful though, they might beat you up and steal the recipe.
Makes 12 tacos.



5.0 from 1 reviews
Jack-in-the-Box Tacos
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • ½ cup refried beans
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons chili powder
  • ¼ cup mild, non-chunky taco sauce (Ortega is good)
  • soft corn tortillas (warm them in a pan with a lid before using so they don't crack when you fold them)
  • 3 cups Crisco cooking oil
  • 6 slices American cheese
  • 1 head finely chopped lettuce
  1. Brown the beef over low heat, use a spatula to chop and stir the meat.
  2. Then the beef is brown drain the fat.
  3. Add the refried beans and use the wooden spoon to mash the whole beans into the mixture to create a smooth texture.
  4. Add the salt, chili powder and 2 Tbs of taco sauce to the mixture.
  5. Remove from the heat. In another skillet heat ¼ inch of oil until hot.
  6. Spread aprox. 2 Tbsp of the beef mixture on the center of each corn tortilla.
  7. Fold the tortillas over and press so that the beef filling holds the sides together.
  8. Drop each taco into the pan of hot oil and fry on both sides until crispy.
  9. When cooked remove the tacos from the oil and place them on a rack or some paper towels until they cool.
  10. Slightly pry open add ½ slice American cheese folded into a triangle and some lettuce.
  11. Top with about ½ tsp of the remaining taco sauce.


4 Replies to “Jack-in-the-Box-ish Tacos”

  1. yUUUm!!! 🙂 Nice work! I love it when you make yummy food for your blog!

  2. I love Jack in the Box tacos. And I’m lucky enough that I can have them whenever I want. 2 for 99 cents. Can’t beat the price. And now the 2nd generation in my family aka: my son loves them as well. But he will eat 8 of them in one sitting. Still a cheap lunch or dinner.

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