The Perfect Headband

Have you seen the newest–pretty thing?

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Lacy headbands have found their way back into the fashion world–at last!

So I did a bit of internet scouring and found a few simple headband patterns

jimmied them up a bit….and came up with…

A cake pop 151

this one.

Looks simple enough–wouldn’t you say? But these particular headbands have a clever secret.

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These little cuties are double-buttoned–WHICH MEANS they can be adjusted to fit any size head–seriously from grown woman to toddler. Now that is good news, especially to the basketball shaped noggins we have at our place. You can wear them loose and casual or you can tighten them up a bit for a more snug fit.

Oh–there’s no head slipping going on here, let me tell you. A sort of “headband breakthrough” if you will.

I’ve tried to make a big pile of them to plop into my Etsy shop—the idea, of course would be to sell a million of them and become a zillionaire and retire on my dream ranch in Vermont…or Lindon…or something.

But I have these pretty girls of my own here and well…the risk is high that they will snag them up about as fast as I can crank ’em out. So, if you know someone that would love a lacy hair doer-uper—it’s a “get ’em while they’re hot” sort of thing.

After all…

“Christmas is coming…fa la la…fat geese…la la…some old guy’s hat…

fa…” You get the picture.

Hee hee…

Oh, and if you’d like to try your hand at it yourself, or want to learn to crochet in the first place—check out the new “How To Crochet” links in the Crafting section. Just click on the “Crafting” tab and scroll down to the bottom.

If you’ve ever wanted to learn to crochet–here’s your chance!

21 Replies to “The Perfect Headband”

  1. Hey Aunt Launi. I have a friend that is doing a fund raiser for the family whose husband died in nutty putty cave Thanksgiving weekend. She has MANY followers as she had a tragedy in her family last year. She is putting things that people donated and at the same time getting them business. If you are interested in her putting your name out there go to and let her know that you would be willing to donate something. I think she is amazing for putting this together when she lives out of state. I think your Christmas hats, head bands or bags would be an amazing seller šŸ™‚

  2. I’ve got my moving buddy… umm… I mean my headband šŸ˜€ Thanks for that this morning. It really did help the, umm, mood šŸ˜‰

  3. Hey- Jillian’s is even cuter in real know..HD and all .. so it’s a HD HB? {high-def head-band?}

    Wouldn’t it be great to add a lacy crochet flower? Ohhh..yes!

  4. P.S. I want to hear you sing the “Christmas is coming” song in real life šŸ˜‰ Not the real way, but the way you posted it on here!

  5. I’ll do it. Her site made me bawl. I’m choosing what to send her right now.
    Thanks Honey–for letting me know. You’re a good egg.

  6. Ohhh… I LOVE these!!! I don’t have one yet sooo I’m SURE I’m the one you were talking about stealing them ALL away!!! *:D* You just make everything too awesome to pass up! šŸ˜‰ Thanks for everything and YAY for great headbands!

  7. I love them! My girls would wear them since I wouldn’t have to brush their hair much to make it look good. They strongly dislike it when I brush their hair.

  8. I love these! But am I missing where you tell us how to make them? I feel like I’m missing something’s that’s staring me in the face lol

  9. It must be bedtime–I totally missed the link, thanks!
    So did you follow the pattern and then, rather than sewing the ends together, sew buttons toward each end, and that’s what makes yours adjustable?
    I just happened upon your site tonight through pinterest, by the way, and I’ve really been enjoying it already. Thanks for all your great ideas, and especially for sharing!

  10. Yes, we have big heads and small heads here so I needed to make them adjustable. So I tapered the ends and sewed buttons on the ends. It works great. :}

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