The “Christmas Look”

Hey guys! Check out my new Christmas header! What do you think?


The first frame is the huge Christmas tree inside the Conference Center foyer in Salt Lake City. It is enormous and beautiful. We wandered around in the snowy cold enjoying the Christmas lights on Temple Square when we spied this lovely tree through the window. Even though it was in a large building–the picture makes it easy to imagine that we’re looking in the window of the neighborhood rich folks. Except that you can go to jail for that sort of thing. This is much better.


The second frame is our famous “Milk Chocolate Fudge.” It’s the same fudge that we have made for the past 25 years in this family. We make it in a huge double batch and often end up making a second dose. We finish that just in time for Valentine’s Day–when of course, you need more fudge! Ha ha.  You know what they say–“A day without fudge is like a day without sunshine.” Or maybe that was orange juice. I can’t remember…must be the sugar buzz. Ha!

pep bark

The third frame is our equally popular “Peppermint Bark.” Now you can pay a zillion bucks for 3 ozs of fancy-schmancy bark from some really snooty candy shop or you can be a “take charge” sort of person and just plain make your own. It is the easiest Christmas treat you could possibly make–and it’s really quite pretty too. We sent some to my far away cute boy in Lithuania and they went berserk over it. Of course they did. Sheesh.

button tree

The forth frame is our cute little crocheted “Button Tree.” So fun and easy to make that one Christmas, I made 9 of them in a couple of days–each with different buttons to suite the personalities of different family members. Mine is loaded with pink and purple sparkly ones–for instance. I’ll post the pattern in a few days–and if you know how to crochet-AT ALL- you’ll love this one.

Nov. 30 019

Lastly, the fifth frame is our beautiful Christmas lights on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. It’s one of those sights that you don’t want to miss and will remember all your life. Millions of lights and millions of happy people just walking around feeling Christmas-y. It’s really incredible.

I hope you love our new December look. April worked hard on it and as always–has given Gracious Rain the cozy warm look we love. She always finds a way to make the site feel so like us.


A cake pop 251

Happy Holidays Everyone!

8 Replies to “The “Christmas Look””

  1. I do love the new look, however, I miss the orange! 😉 Those are fantastic pictures. What a darling family you have.

  2. Oooo, I love the new header!! Great pictures! The fudge looks divine – I think I’ll have to try it! Love you guys!

  3. April has a way of making it all look so dang cozy. But remember–there is no such thing as Christmas “orange.” Well, except for the book. But not the color. That’s just wrong.

  4. Well for the dark chocolate “die hards” my fudge is just too mild. But if you like milk chocolate—this stuff is magic. Smooth, melty and perfect. Ooohhhh…I feel a fudge surge coming on! To the kitchen!!

  5. Very pretty!! I think I am going to have to try your fudge recipe… I have a good recipe from my mom but my husband LOVES fudge more than anything… maybe even me. SO I think I will try it and see what he thinks!! You guys are awesome!
    P.S. I love your new headbands in your etsy shop.

  6. The new header is beautiful and just perfect!!! You and April make a great team when it comes to fitting things together for the blog! 🙂 Two thumbs up to both of you.

    Now where’s that fudge…

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