The tradition at our house has always been that the day after Halloween, we can pull out the Christmas music. Not the movies or the decorations–none of that–but the music is on! We are quite faithful in our focus of the Thanksgiving holiday because it is so lovely to spend so much time thinking of how greatly we are blessed. It’s just that at our house we prepare for Thanksgiving—while listening to Christmas music.
The first year I was married we had no Christmas music at all. Nothing.
Then my sweet childhood friend Mary Jo asked if we would store a few things for her–as she was moving back to California. In the things to store that she generously said we could use, was her stereo system and a pile of LPs–record albums–in case you didn’t know. One of them–to my utter joy, was called “Merry Christmas–36 Great Favorite Songs-36 Great Artists.” Silly name. Fabulous music.
But finding out that my time with this set up was about to end and that a friend was coming to pick up all her things way before Christmastime, I devised a plan. Scurrying around, I found an old cassette recorder and a blank tape and decided to record whatever songs I could before the friend pulled up in the driveway. Now please realize that this was long before the “plug in this and that and push a couple of buttons and now it’s all perfect,” days. I had to play the music and put the tiny little microphone right up against the stereo speakers to get the best sound. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even know some of the songs that I was recording–but it would be something for our Christmas atmosphere anyway. It ended up taping the last song filling one side of that cassette before the guys knocked on the door. I felt pretty pleased with myself.
Little did we know at the time that that silly little bootlegged tape would become the family favorite for all my children and the very first thing they want to hear when they wake on November 1st. One year they each received their own copy of the tape in their Christmas stocking. They love it.
So, as silly as it may seem to play a little Christmas music for you–I’d really like to share the sound that has thrilled my family for over 30 years now–and quite frankly, still does. Oh, and if anyone knows the secret to getting a cassette tape–in this case, a priceless one–transferred to a cd–would you kindly share the info with me? Tapes don’t last forever and we want to keep this one.
I hope you’ll humor me and listen–just this once. Thanks–and here it is…
Oh, and…
Happy 40th Birthday Sesame Street!

I’m glad that Aunt Mary Jo let you borrow that stuff, or babysit it, or swipe it… heh! That song… and ALL those songs… just melt my holiday heart!!! I LOVE listening to these songs! I’m excited for Thanksgiving AND Christmas!!!
We totally need to make those tapes into CDs… what a great idea!!!
I love it! What a great story thanks for sharing it. I love traditions and the stories behind how they get started. Great music too.
Great song! Just by looking at the pictures I know exactly who is who. Such sweet faces! I love family traditions!
I just emailed you a possible solution to get the tape on CD… let me know if you want any help with it! I’d be more than willing to do so! :o)
This is the year kiddo. We’re going to get this little cute thing in a much safer format. I just know we can do it.
If we get this little thing made–I’ll have to make a million copies, because it has some really unique stuff on it. Want one?
Aren’t Christmas angels the best? Especially when they are your very own.
You are soooo fabulous! Thank you-thank you!
Looks like you have an answer to the cassette to CD situation. If not, I know someone here that will do it–since you have several cassette copies, one could be carefully mailed to me and a CD created–then copies of CD’s are easy!
I would love one. I will share my favorite Christmas music with you too. I have so many great songs. In fact right now the music is on. Love it!
I so love christmas music. I cannot get enough of it!!! Nothing makes me happier than to hear Christmas songs. I have driven many a colleague insane by listening to christmas music when the mood would hit, no matter what time of year! hip-hip-horray for ipods!
It was great fun seeing photos of you & Mary Jo in your younger days. I had to laugh as I was writing this. I still picture all of us at that age.
And I can soooo totally remember taping music the way you described. Brings back such fond memories.
Does Mary Jo still have the LP? I don’t have any of mine. I had a few Christmas ones that I would love to have now. Boo hoo.
I love Christmas music. Did I ever tell you about the time our neighbors called the cops on us as we were putting up our Christmas lights? We were playing Christmas music while doing so & the neighbor thought we were playing our Christmas music too loud and called the police. And they actually came. Told us we had to turn off the music to keep the peace with the neighbor. Christmas music!!!
Luckily the neighbors have now moved & our new neighbors already told us we can play our Christmas music while putting up the lights this year. There is a Santa afterall.
Well, if we can figure it out–it will be great. If not–I’ll send you one and we’ll get it done. Oooohh, I’m so excited!
Do you recognize the album? It took me years to find one. I had no idea what the name was so it was hard. I finally found one on ebay a couple of years ago and grabbed it. Do you still have it?
I picture us all just like this too. But I think it makes me feel younger–so I don’t want to stop!
Once we figured out what the name of the album was, I found one on Ebay–and I snagged it. I found one there yesterday so that I could get the picture of the cover. You should go scoop it up!
I’m so glad you have more “jolly” neighbors now. Sounds like we’re all made out of the same stuff–Wahoo–Christmas music!!
NO!!! i wish i did. I think Marie ended up with all the vinyl and who knows which garage sell it ended up at!!
I’m glad you have nicer neighbors! How can you call the police about Christmas music!!!! I loved seeing the pictues too! I almost didn’t recognize myself! We all did have such fun back in those days.
Ok, I followed the directions, however, I see ‘Jenny’ in the comments section…. When I go to the “Leave a Reply” tho, it says Launi….didn’t know I had to change that myself. So, that may be why my fabulous comments have your name on them!
Man Launi, this one made me cry! Thank you So much for that walk down memory lane… oh, how I wish I could go back, just for a week or two! Sometimes, (like right now) it seems like only yesterday, and then other times, it seems like a hundred years ago! Mary Jo, I miss ya SO MUCH! Where did the time go? Nearly all of my babies have several babies of their own. I even over heard my oldest one, Jesse, say “Man I’m gettin’ old!” HA! I have to agree, this “gettin’ old” stuff is the PITS! (and he’s only 31!) Thank goodness aging is a temporary thing, huh?
I miss you too!!! I have seen the pictures of your kids, I can’t believe how much time has passed and how fast it has gone by. On Halloween I was remembering when Launi and I took Jesse trick-or-treating and he was getting upset because we would ring the door bells, people would answer, but we would not go in the house!!! He just wasn’t getting the treat part!!!
Go grab the one on Ebay–there were even some on 8-track! Yeeeaaah–but don’t get those! ha ha
I bet the policeman felt silly having to ask for it to be turned down in the first place.
Oh–I have pictures! This could get really good!
I’ve been changing my name–that shouldn’t be there–to your name.
You dressed up in OR scrubs and I wore my dad’s Chef stuff. I have pictures of that too!
i have looked at it at amazon marketplace, but only in vinyl. i need a download or a cd!!! i keep looking!!!
also do you have the dates for the 1, 2,3, & 6th photos?? I want to steal and add to my album
Yeah, I’ve been looking for another version for years. All I’ve ever found is the record. I’d love that on a cd as well, but I’m lost there too.
Picture #1 is April and Lyndi about 1985, #2 is 1983, #3–of you is about 1977-78? and #6 is Jillian in about 1990.
Have you ever considered having a blog? :] April would make one for you in a minute. Seriously…she would.
Yup! I remember! By about the third house, he was so frustrated, that he threw down his pumpkin bucket and started to cry! That was it for him! I can’t believe you remember that! He must’ve been almost 2!
So Mary Jo, when ya comin’ out for a visit? Huh? Huh?
Hey Kim! How ya doin? It’s so nice to read your comments. Makes me feel like we’re all still at Granite Hills! (Probably just the onset of senility, huh?) How’s your Mom and Dad? Will you tell them I said “Hi”, and that I send my love? I wish I were as good with this internet stuff as Launi.
There is a program you can download for nothing that will accomplish the task for you.
I’m doing great! My mom is waiting to hear if she is going to have open heart surgery. She has a bad heart valve. My dad is pretty good. He has trouble walking, but other than that, good. Jodi lives with them, so that takes a lot of worry off of me.
Get your kids to help you with the internet stuff. If you want to see what’s going on with my family, you can check out our family blog It’s out extended family blog, but it’s mostly my family that posts on it. Or you can visit my decorating blog
We need to have a reunion of some sort. I haven’t been to Utah in a few years. Next time I come, I’ll be sure to check in with you & Launi.
Take care and I will tell my parents you said “Hi!”