Sweet Marion~ Grandma’s Hair


“Aqua Net hairspray. Sitting here in my front room 20 years later, I can still remember how that hairspray smells. Exactly how the aerosol can looked and felt in my hand. How I always thought it was fun to touch Grandma’s hair because no matter how I smooshed it, it would bounce right back. She had typical grandma hair, permed and then teased to be sort-of a helmet, secured with Aqua Net spray. As she got older, her hair thinned until she started wearing a wig. It made her embarrassed to be seen without it, so when she wasn’t wearing it she would wear a little terry cloth turban on her head. I didn’t care if she had a turban, a wig, or poofy grandma hair. She was lovely. My sister took the can of hairspray from her cabinet as a memoir, and she still has it. Sometimes, when I see it at her house, I pick it up and smell the lid. It’s amazing how smell takes you back to places and people.”


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