Stuff To Love…

on this Valentine’s Day.

Since I don’t actually have my own “sweetheart” per se, I’ve decided that I’m pretty close to being in love with the UPS man…or maybe it’s just the truck. Just seeing it pull up in front of the house, makes my heart pound. It must be love!

I positively love having a daughter that can machine quilt my sewing projects like some kind of magical pro. I mean, seriously–check out those hearts. Amazing.

My sweet kitties–Beany and Jiff–who utterly refuse to sleep somewhere other than my bed. ~sigh…

Homemade potato salad, made the right way. You know, with my mom’s recipe, only I added chopped pickles, which she never would have done, but it’s fabulous–so we’re good. Don’t tell her.

The greatest creation in the cookie decorating world since sugar sprinkles. I mean it.

A boy with a very new suit…who is leaving soon.

Hope your day is full of love, and kisses, mushy stuff…and chocolate–lots of chocolate.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

18 Replies to “Stuff To Love…”

  1. I don’t mind if my day isn’t filled with mushy stuff. Right now I am only hoping that my man remembers what day it is.

  2. Oh there will be chocolate for sure around here, yes I’m making fudge balls – wish me luck and stay by your phone in case something goes wrong and I need help – pretty please.
    Hugs and kisses everyone!

  3. I will let my husband know that you love him 🙂 since he is a UPS driver ;).
    Happy Valentines Day Aunt Launi.

  4. Hmm… still debating how I’m supposed to feel about today. Oh well. Guess that says enough of it right there.

    Oh and Lynnette my mom doesn’t have text… so that’s probably why you haven’t heard back.

  5. I like to keep Valentine’s Day casual… it’s fun to have treats and heart shaped pizza, but I’m never expecting anything huge. If there IS a surprise sometime during the day, the it’s even more fun! 🙂

  6. Well, there are enough prompts out there. April and I going in Costco today and there were just packs of men going in for flowers and chocolate. It was so cute.

  7. Well, there are enough prompts out there. April and I going in Costco today and there were just packs of men going in for flowers and chocolate. It was so cute.

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