Off Season

A funny thing happens around here this time of year.

Superbowl is over. No more Patriots. No more Vikings. No more football…

at least on T.V. that is.

I must admit—the best part of this cherished “Iron Giant vs. The Smurfs” playoff…

is having front row seats on the 50 yard line…

and all the Cheetoes we can eat.

:] heh, heh… I mean rah-rah!

10 Replies to “Off Season”

  1. Now that is my favorite kind of football game!!! It is one I never tire of watching (and eating cheetos during the “big” event, of course!)

  2. Off-season is hard… but I’m glad there’s something to keep us entertained! πŸ˜‰ Ha ha ha! Soon it will be warm enough to go outside and let them all rEEEally play. That will be lovely!

    I love the picture where Baby Chomp is jumping in the air. She loves playing with all those fun friends. πŸ™‚

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