Stained Glass Crochet


I’ve found the perfect late-night-in-front-of-the-tv-type project. You know, the soothing kind that keeps the hands busy-busy while the mind just starts shutting down for the evening.


This is the afghan project that my dear Daney boy and his Kortney chose many months ago. With them not quite so close anymore, I figure, now’s the time.


It’s called the “Stained Glass” afghan from Annie’s Attic and oh, myyyy is it ever fun. Some nights, I can barely put it down.


The whole design of the motif changes with every round, which of course spurs me on to finish each of the twelve, if for no other reason than to see what it’s going to look like next.


I’ll keep taking pictures of the progress though because this fun thing might just be hard to give away in the end…

that is…

if those two weren’t so dang cute.


6 Replies to “Stained Glass Crochet”

  1. Launi, these are beautiful! I can’t do this stuff, so those who can are truly appreciated! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I hope this is well loved, because you’ve spent SOOO much time on it! It’s going to be even more amazing once you put it all together. If you miss making such a cool blanket when you’re finished with it, I know someone else who would LOVE to have one like it. 😉 Ha ha ha!

  3. Help, help! I was doing great until I got to row 10. The directions don’t make a bit of sense to me. Can you explain it to me or post a picture of you doing the row? Thanks

  4. Kathy~Oh, I know. This pattern was really, REALLY hard to understand. They totally needed a picture with every single row. In fact, I learned more from enlarging the picture than I did from trying to follow the instructions. I’ll see if I took any good pictures of the row 10 phase, and at least figure out how to tell you what I did. Be brave and hang on, and I’ll try to help.

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