The Grinch Party!!

Another LOVELY perk of having Dane and Kortney back in town is that they get to share some of their unique Christmas traditions with us.

Welcome to the Whoville Grinch Party!!


Cindy-lou Who even showed up!!

Great artwork Daney boy and wonderful Grinch party!! It’s sooooo fantastic to have you and your family with us.

(Now if we can just get them to STAY)


The Wanderer’s Return

At last…at last!

With hugs for absolutely everyone…


and younger…


and taller…

my crazy wanderers have returned.

My heart is filled to the brim and I can breathe more deeply now.

All are safely gathered in…

My Boy’s Bucket List

When my Daney-boy told me that he was taking is sweet little family to Boston–AND to his first actual Patriot’s game–well, I knew something special was in order. I grabbed the appropriate colors of my favorite Caron yarn and got to work. With three different patterns and some embroidered patches from Ebay, Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear had some awesome new hats for the special day.

As you can see–they were a hit!!

Of course the Patriot’s did their part too and put on an unforgettable show right where my boy could see it, up close. Good job, Tom Brady!

Colts 24 / Patriot’s 38

“Take family to Patriot’s game–”



double check.

Stained Glass Crochet


I’ve found the perfect late-night-in-front-of-the-tv-type project. You know, the soothing kind that keeps the hands busy-busy while the mind just starts shutting down for the evening.


This is the afghan project that my dear Daney boy and his Kortney chose many months ago. With them not quite so close anymore, I figure, now’s the time.


It’s called the “Stained Glass” afghan from Annie’s Attic and oh, myyyy is it ever fun. Some nights, I can barely put it down.


The whole design of the motif changes with every round, which of course spurs me on to finish each of the twelve, if for no other reason than to see what it’s going to look like next.


I’ll keep taking pictures of the progress though because this fun thing might just be hard to give away in the end…

that is…

if those two weren’t so dang cute.


So Much Love

Back from their honeymoon–at last, at last, the kids (oooh…can I call them kids?) came home and invited us to their wedding-gift-opening night.

What may have looked like chaos to some, was in fact, a huge downpour of love, for these two sweethearts. And oh, my goodness–so much love from so many…

dear, sweet, beloved friends and family.

It was sincerely incredible to watch them be so showered on and see them be absolutely delighted. Such thoughtfulness from so many. In the end, I’ll admit, I was nearly speechless…

nearly.  :}

I do have one question though.

Who gave these guys permission to grow up…so fast?

