Snow boy

Daney boy sent some pictures the other day–from the other side of the world.

He says it rains ice in Lithuania that makes the streets look–and behave like glass.

The snow is so dry that you can’t even make a snow ball until it finally starts melting.

But it is comforting…

to a whiny mom-heart…

to find that some things…

never change…



Be safe~~ and stay warm and dry my great, sweet, silly boy.

We miss you so.



5 Replies to “Snow boy”

  1. If you click on the “Daney boy” link on the right side of the blog under “Sites we love” you can see more pictures and notes from him.

  2. It makes me happy to see him having sooo much fun over there, and to know that’s jUUUst where he’s supposed to be! Time is flying! WOW!!!

  3. Pingback: City Trek |

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