Something very peculiar is going on these days.
Whenever we hold up the camera, and say, “Smile!” this is what we get.
Or this.
What the…?
Awww…come on.
I think these babies are on to us and our blogging ways.
It’s getting so that…
to get a really great smile from either of them…
somebody’s got to stand on their head!
Ah, well–as long as it isn’t me….

They are ADORABLE! I can’t believe how fast they have grown! I finally get what my mom was saying. She used to tell me that when you have a baby don’t blink because they moment you do they are all grown up.
Such cute kids! I love the name beckham too! (now to convince my husband 🙂 also, I am going to do myself a favor and pretend like I didn’t see that post on the buttermilk doughnuts! YUMO!
Very cute! I think the hiding pictures are every bit as cute as the cheesy grins.
She’s so right…I blinked and look where we are now!!
Well–I need you to know that he was absolutely NOT named after the silly soccer player either! Our family name–back a few years–is Beck. So, that is where it came from.
Those doughnuts smelled fabulous too. Filled the whole house…
They are definitely a crack up these days.
Oh man… they are too funny!!! 🙂
And you know it’s actually worse/better in real life–it’s just that I can’t always snap the camera fast enough.