A Country Quilt Fair

…at the Springville Art Museum.

For a limited time…only.

August 20 075

No rides. No farm animals. No cotton candy—or food of any kind on the premises, thank you. But somehow still a fair none-the-less.

By now…you should know how we feel about fairs…any sort.

We lovvve them.

August 20 049

August 20 028

August 20 020

August 20 040

August 20 076

August 20 017

August 20 021

August 20 033

August 20 038

August 20 084

August 20 057

August 20 065

August 20 071

I couldn’t stop looking at this one. It’s my favorite in the whole building. It was sewn with gold thread and sparkled like there was dew on all the leaves. So beautiful.

August 20 086

August 20 072

August 20 087

August 20 095

This one, “A Very Hungry Caterpillar”  was the babies’ personal favorite. They tried to eat it.

I’m not kidding.

So we had no choice but to go down the street and find…

August 28 018

Fresh. Peach. Shakes.

Also for a limited time only.

It couldn’t be helped.

After all…it was a fair.

11 Replies to “A Country Quilt Fair”

  1. You really should be giving the quilters credit for their work instead of posting people’s art without their permission.

  2. These are beautiful!!! It’s sooo fun to see all that talent in one place! What a great idea for the museum to hold an event like that! An exhibit like that is SURE to be popular around here! I bet all those quilters are happy that people are seeing and loving their work!

    Peach shakes. yUUUm!!!

  3. This was a charity event and we were encouraged to take pictures and share them to promote the fair, the museum the local cause, and quilting in general. As to “their permission,” the artists sign a submission form recognizing that their quilts will be displayed for “general publicity and educational purposes.”

    If a brochure had been available I would love to have posted the names as well. Sadly, there wasn’t one.

    I do appreciate the reminder to recognize the artisan along with the art.

  4. The Springville Quilt Show, one of my favorite past adventures. I used to go every fall to be inspired and to visit the local quilt shop down the street. Do you know when it ends? I’d planned to go again this year, since I’m back in the area, but it hasn’t made it anywhere near the top of the list yet. Maybe there’s still time.
    Thanks for sharing

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