“Paper” Chains

Oh, my goodness do I ever have a new LOVE!! I mean, seriously–just look at these cute little crocheted “paper” chains!!

Yeah, it started out innocently enough. I found the pattern for these red, white and blue ones and tweaked it in a few crucial places–as is my style–and we ended up with these pretties.

Then, try as I may, I couldn’t stop. They just kept coming and coming and coming. These “summer” ones looked more like Easter sooo, I finished them and put them downstairs in the box with all the baskets.

Then the quest for the perfect real Summer colors began and ended here. What do you think? I lovvvvve them. They just scream beaches, hot sun and ripe peaches.

Now, you would likely think that I’d be done by now but noooOOOooo. Considering my yarn stash is about nine miles wide–I have SUCH plans…

starting right here.

Heh, heh, heh.


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