Our Silly Snow

It may not look like all so much to you, but I’m pretty proud of this particular storm.

It came and stayed for about 3 days snowing first and sticking for a while, and then, raining and melting just in time to start all over again.

But in the end, it was very brave snow and just fell and hung on like it wanted to show us…

that no matter what that silly groundhog said, it is, in fact, winter still–with a mind of it’s own.

If you know me at all, you know that I don’t mind one little bit.

In fact, if I woke up tomorrow to 3 feet of the white stuff, I’d be happy as a lark.

And so, with the little that we have, I’m wishing for the frost fairies to make a couple more passes by the place…

or five or six.

I’m mean really, think of how much I could get done if we were snowed in…for real!

Heh, heh, heh.

4 Replies to “Our Silly Snow”

  1. OH PLEASE NO! I need to move. Seriously. I can’t take any more of this snow. πŸ™
    I am happy you like it though. πŸ™‚

  2. I don’t really mind the snow either. I love to play in snow. I just don’t like the fact that too many people drive too fast in it. But there’s not much you can do about that, I guess.

  3. I don’t mind all the snow as long as people are home, safe and warm! πŸ™‚ Oh, and if there is plenty of warm soup or hot chocolate… that makes it a LOT more pleasant! πŸ˜‰

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